I'm floored to hear this response, and appreciative that I won't receive a notification on this thread once every 2 months begging for an update like the last few years. Thanks Simplisafe!
It’s great that you added the ability to add multiple users, but you still have not addressed the security issue of having user access that CANNOT change system settings. We have a big family, I want to be able to have people use the app for cameras or system controls, but I don’t want them to have the ability to change/modify/delete pins or other secure items on the app. I already switched one house of SimpliSafe for this reason, and after being patient I will definitely have to do this for our shared family property.
How should multiple users in home be setup? Is the idea that everyone uses the same single account, or should I create multiple user accounts for a single dwelling? How should this work with the mobile app?
is there a future feature to add multiple users to the account. I am really surprised a security company would not account for multiple users for an account with different levels of permissions.
Please advise
Can two people in the household use the app on separate phones with separate accounts? In other words, is it possible for each user to create their own username and password to log into the app on their phone, but still operate a shared alarm system? Or, do all the users in one house need to log in with the same email and password?
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originally titled App - multiple users?
Same email/password for all users. No issues here with me on andriod and wife on "that other operating system." Let's see what kind of response that comment generates!
One account, one email, one password but the phone app does allow for different app_lock codes to be used. Like the General, no issues with my wife and I using our own Android phones and apps
Development, where are we with the ability to create multiple logins, with their own email address, app code, and pin? This should be a huge effort within engineering and as you can see from the multitude of posts, this is a feature people have been asking for since the system was first made public. Is there a feature already in the system to get this done? Rick
I've asked a number of times out of curiosity but I don't recall ever seeing a reply...
Why is it that you'd want people other than the system administrator, so to speak, and perhaps a trusted second to have the ability to arm/disarm (or otherwise control) the system remotely?
If it is primarily about receiving notifications then other people can be set up to receive email and or SMS notifications, and they don't even need the SS app to receive them.
We have multiple family members who would like to use a phone based app to arm and disarm the system, they do not need access to all of the system management features on the app.
Simple example, last person to leave the house forgets to arm the system. They do not need the full functionality of app (may be a young teen) but they would like to arm/disarm using a phone app.
The key pad is fine, but believe it or not, sometimes young teens come home and forget to even check the key pad and set off the system. They are phone centric, they will look to see if the system is armed using their phone.
For those worried about remote access, this could be an option in feature managed by the main user. Besides, the system sends messages whenever the status changes already.
Absolutely need this feature!!!! In particular, I want to have some interior rooms armed without anyome but parents able to disarm them. For example, if a kid tries to access the liquor, we will know.
Is it possible to set up additional users with the iPhone app? I'd really like my wife to be able to arm/disarm from her phone. I know I could just download the app and have her log in as me, but I am hoping for a better way.
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originally titled Additional App users
Well can’t believe after all these years theystill haven’t figured out how to do this. Almost every competitive app handles this quite easily. You invite users from the app. They respond with their email address. You verify the email and allow them to create an account that has access to the same devices in the home. Some apps even allowed you to restrict which devices they have access to. See Ring as an example.
Is there a big thread with this request? My wife and I both use the app (with my login credentials), but she doesn’t have my password manager and can’t verify the login without my phone.
Is it possible to have multiple logins to an account? Seems like I should be able to have each person in my family logging into the app with their own account so that we do not have to share a password or account or have a special gmail address just for this app. I could see any way to do this in in either the website or the mobile app.
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originally titled Multiple App Logins
It is bad security practice to have multiple users sharing a single login - please can you add the ability for multiple users to be on the same account?
Note: This comment was created from a merged conversation
originally titled Multiple users please
It would be nice actually. The other day our son accidentally disabled the alarm while the rest of us were home and it kinda freaked us out. It would have been nice to see in the app that it was his app.
Just to bump this. A bit like how you can set multiple PINs so you know who has disarmed your system, letting different people access the app so you can tell who is who would be good.
Is it possible to have each family member create their own login with their email to our family account?
I'd ultimately like to have my children be able to download the app and be able to arm/disarm the system but do not want them to get alerts or to have camera access.
I would love the option to have access to 2 accounts on my account but not have the other account have access to mine. I will give you 2 examples.
If I have a set up at my home and a set up at my office I would like multiple people to have access to the office but I do NOT want them to have access to see my cameras in my house.
If I have a set up at my house and a set up at my parents house (they put me as the second contact on their account). My parents want me to have access to their cameras but I do NOT want them to have access to mine.
In both of these situations the alarm goes off at the office or my parents house I have to log out of my home account and login in to view camera activity. It then asks for permission to my fathers email address for me to gain access (because I was logged into my account). This is very time consuming and stressful especially when it's in the middle of the night and when I have the monitoring office call to verify I don't need assistants. Most cases I have to disable then alarm and then drive over going in blind because I can't check camera to check because it's faster then getting the access into the account.
We love SimpliSafe and I would love for this option!
If anyone has any helpful tips on this it would be greatly appreciated.
@ dogtags I am not sure if this will address your needs but SS does have a business dashboard that can handle multiple sites separately. I would call sales and see if it would help.
I concur with this need. We currently have 3 systems for 3 separate business locations. I loved it so much I bought a system for the house. I definitely need to separate the business and home user pools. I find myself choosing between which i want to monitor and having to constantly login/logout.
I had to return my order because I was unable to manage two separate (one business and one personal ) accounts with different email addresses using one app. I still have it for my business. For the business we have three people managing our system all using the same email address. It would also be ideal if multiple emails can manage 1 single base station (system) for my current business account. Also if mobile app can manage and toggle between two different accounts/systems to be able to monitor them in Realtime. Please update me if any or all this is possible in the future.
I have a friend who comes over often enough while I'm away to give them their own PIN for the system. If they wanted to be able to remotely set the alarm (say they leave and forget to alarm it, but traveling all the way back is a hassle) is it possible for them to access the app without having the master login? I don't want them to have my login and be able to see the other PINs on the system, but them being able to remote set the alarm would be useful.
At this time, we don't have the option for sub-accounts or accounts with limited access to an already activated system. This is one of our most requested features so rest assured that we have added your account to the list of those who desire this feature. This will help our dev team know that this is a high priority for our customers. In the meantime, while not a perfect solution, it may be best for your friend to give you a call to arm the system remotely if they forget.
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We are happy to say that this feature is now live! See our announcement in the Community to learn more.
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Guess its not a priority for SS.
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5 years ago
I'd ultimately like to have my children be able to download the app and be able to arm/disarm the system but do not want them to get alerts or to have camera access.
2 Messages
4 years ago
I would love the option to have access to 2 accounts on my account but not have the other account have access to mine. I will give you 2 examples.
If I have a set up at my home and a set up at my office I would like multiple people to have access to the office but I do NOT want them to have access to see my cameras in my house.
If I have a set up at my house and a set up at my parents house (they put me as the second contact on their account). My parents want me to have access to their cameras but I do NOT want them to have access to mine.
In both of these situations the alarm goes off at the office or my parents house I have to log out of my home account and login in to view camera activity. It then asks for permission to my fathers email address for me to gain access (because I was logged into my account). This is very time consuming and stressful especially when it's in the middle of the night and when I have the monitoring office call to verify I don't need assistants. Most cases I have to disable then alarm and then drive over going in blind because I can't check camera to check because it's faster then getting the access into the account.
We love SimpliSafe and I would love for this option!
If anyone has any helpful tips on this it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you :)
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4 years ago
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4 years ago