1.5K Messages
👏Click to Cancel approved by the FTC
Becomes effective in 180 days. Easy to search up if interested.
One of few Gov. bean counter rules I like.
A quote from the media said;
“Consumers uniformly opposed having to engage with a representative to cancel when they could simply click a button to enroll." (ie; retention departments)
Supposedly 280 pages, what's actually in it and not smoothed over for big business like Xfinity? We shall see.
What's it mean here, we shall see.
Need to complain after 180 days?
To file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), you can:
Go to ReportFraud.ftc.gov
Answer the questions on the website
Call the FTC's Consumer Response Center at 1-877-FTC-HELP (382-4357)
6.3K Messages
4 months ago
@dlpsr This is a great event but there is a caveat I would like to bring up. Before getting to that, let me clearly say I am in no way a fan or supporter of a "loyalty dept" and will be glad to see Simpisafe's gone. That said, with the possibility of data breaches seemingly happening everyday, I would personally like the option to have my account marked that any and all changes to my monitoring plan would require a call in and providing my safe word to any general customer service agent. For those that want the soon to be "click to cancel" for SS monitoring, they can have it and God speed.
Now for those bums at Sirius Radio, Comcast and most newspapers, get ready for a huge change on how you do business.
1.5K Messages
4 months ago
This a big deal too if true.