1 Message
System not recognizing door sensor
The system is not recognizing one of the door sensors. Replaced the sensor battery & followed instructions on the keypad to push button on sensor. Sensor still not recognized. What is the next step?
1 Message
6.3K Messages
4 years ago
1. Go to your dashboard on the website and remove the offending entry sensor.
2. Exit
3. Log back in, again from the dashboard click on add sensor
4. Press the test button on the entry sensor for 5 seconds, then let go
5. Base should recognize it, on your screen say "entry sensor found" and name it.
6. Exit dashboard.
7. Log back in, hit refresh, and see if the sensor is listed on your device list.
If it doesn't work, can be a bad sensor, which SS will replace at nc under warranty.
Community Admin
5.7K Messages
4 years ago
Where is that Entry Sensor located? It's possible that the reason it went out of communication in the first place is because of interference.
That can be caused by either physical objects (dense walls or heavy appliances) directly in the way of the signal, or other wireless signals competing for the same airspace (think simple devices like wireless weather stations or baby monitors).
I would suggest that you try and move the Base Station (unplugged; it has plenty of battery power to stay online) to the sensor, then put the system into Test Mode. If the Base Station starts responding to the the Entry Sensor then, we'll know that the sensor still works, but there's something normally in between that's preventing the communication.
- Johnny M.
SimpliSafe Home Security