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End-to-End Water Sensor Test
The current test procedure requires placing the system in the test mode. Then pressing the test button on the sensor.
That does a good job of testing the connectivity of the system. However it does not test that the water sensor actually detects water. For that, I set the sensor on a soaked sponge or a saucer of water.
The SimpliSafe rep told me I needed to be in practice mode to do that. Only they can put the system in practice mode. Don't understand why. Also don't understand the difference between practice mode and test mode.
The water sensors are a great tool.
Official Solution
Community Admin
5.7K Messages
9 months ago
Hi @schutzrr ,
Sorry for the confusion.
Yes, you're right, the Test Button method is really testing that the Water Sensor is able to communicate with the Base Station. So you'll want to set the sensor up where you want to keep it (e.g. under your washing machine or sink, etc.) - to make sure that it's not sitting in a dead spot.
The only way to test the Water Sensor's actual function is to trigger it. Keep in mind that the sensor works by having metal contacts at the bottom, and when those contacts are bridged by a conductor, that's what triggers the alarm. Not sure that a sponge would be enough all the time, but a finger across two or more contacts would do the trick. Dipping the sensor in a bowl of shallow water would work too!
And as for Test Mode vs Practice Mode:
Note that if you do trigger a full alarm with a Water Sensor, that will trigger a different type of alarm from both Intruder and Fire alarms. If a Water Sensor alarm results in a call from dispatch, it won't be treated as an emergency. So it won't result in dispatch!