‎Change Temperature Sensor From Fahrenheit or Celsius | SimpliSafe Support Home

Change Temperature Sensor From Fahrenheit or Celsius


The Temperature Sensor can display Fahrenheit or Celsius through the SimpliSafe® App. The SimpliSafe® App will display Fahrenheit or Celsius based on the settings of your phone. If you wish for the SimpliSafe® App to display a different temperature type, you’ll need to update your phone’s system settings and re-open the SimpliSafe® App to have it register the new temperature reading.

Changing the Temperature Type for iOS (iPhone/iPad):

  1. On your phone, navigate to System Settings

  2. Select General

  3. Tap on Language & Region

  4. Select Temperature

  5. Adjust this to Fahrenheit or Celsius, as needed

  6. Force close the SimpliSafe® App after making this change

  7. Reopen the app, and the Temperature Sensor should display the new temperature type

Changing the Temperature Type for Android:

  1. On your phone, navigate to Settings

  2. Select Language

  3. Choose Regional Preferences

  4. Tap on Temperature

  5. Adjust this to Fahrenheit or Celsius, as needed

  6. Save your selection

  7. Force close the SimpliSafe® App after making this change

  8. Reopen the app, and the Temperature Sensor should display the new temperature type

*Note, settings may vary between Android devices. Consult with your phone’s manual for further instructions.