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Wednesday, January 1st, 2025 9:22 PM

New Year, Grandkids and Simplisafe

With New Year's fast approaching, my wife and I (aka Nonna and Poppy) eagerly picked up our two grand children, ages 3 and 6, to stay at our house while mom and dad got some R&R and then came for New Year's Eve. With no child gate for the top of the stairs, Nonna noticed the addition of a SimpliSafe entry sensor on the bedroom door where our two grand children were going to sleep.  With the base moved to our room, Nonna was happy to hear "Bedroom entry door opened" when I closed and then opened the door.  Usually our base is hidden, quiet and no lights. Nice to see a quick sensor add and a base setting change took care of our worries. Mom and Dad approved too.

Nonna and Poppy have many things to be thankful for: two great grandchildren, a great son, daughter and son-law, extended family, friends, good health, food in our stomachs, a roof over our heads, well, you get the idea.

We would, of course, would be remiss not to mention the seven SS3 systems in our family and to thank SimpliSafe and their associates for keeping our family and belongings safe throughout the year.

To all, a very happy, healthy and safe 2025. And, of course, live long and prosper.

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