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Friday, May 5th, 2023 3:02 AM

Camera turns on in home mode

Why is the camera turning on and recording when I switch from home mode to off. There's no reason anybody should be looking at video when I'm already home and disabling the system.

Accepted Solution

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3.4K Messages

2 years ago

Hi @Vrcotier, 

Whenever you disarm your system, the SimpliCam will take a short recording. This is a security measure so you have footage of who is disabling your system. After that, the camera should not turn on and continue to take recordings while your system is off unless you have the Privacy Shutter set to be open while in Off Mode.


1 Message

2 years ago

This does not happen. The camera remains active along with the audio

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5.7K Messages

@stdouglas949​ I'm not sure what you mean here. Are you responding to the original poster? It sounds like you're both saying the same thing - that the camera should be initiating a recording when the system is disarmed. This is the correct behavior as the camera is designed to do.

4 Messages

1 year ago

This is a concern and an option which did not exist before until earlier this year. I do not want my interior camera, which is off in home mode, to activate and turn on when I disarm my system out of home mode. This camera then records my family and I in the house for a few minutes. This never occurred before an update earlier this year. There is not a setting option to stop this behavior. I find it a major invasion of privacy.

3 Messages

Exactly. In home mode authorized persons are already inside so why look for who disarmed it? 

1 Message

I agree with Vrcotier.  Not only that, my camera is not even pointed at the keypad.  I agree this is an invasion of privacy.

2 Messages

Please @davey_d or @emily_s offer us a way to turn this functionality off. It is unwanted and discomforting. My wife is going to make me return the entire system and go back to Wyze because of this. 

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3.4K Messages

@maxxswright​ At this time, there is no way to disable cameras from recording when the system is disarmed.

But please know that we believe that privacy and security go hand-in-hand. Your videos are encrypted and no one (no even SimpliSafe staff) can access them but you. Of course, you can always remove these videos from your Timeline at any time using the SimpliSafe app.

@emily_s​ we need a way to be able to turn this off it is not legal

4 Messages

1 year ago

Class action lawsuit?

At this point I don't see any other option as SimpliSafe fails to address their issue of their indoor cameras turning ON EVERY time anyone disarms the alarm; even when the alarm is in a mode with interior camera off (like home mode if you configure this way) the cameras ALWAYS turns on and records for several minutes of everyone in your home. This is a major privacy concern along with unauthorized recording of minor children. A few days ago my camera stayed on for nearly 5 minutes after disarming from home mode. This wouldn't be an issue if the cameras would just remain off as they are already off with the privacy shutter covering the lens. The issue is SimpliSafe bypasses our personal privacy settings by overriding our privacy shield of the camera and then records us in our homes. 

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

@JustinJustin​ It is the intended behavior when you disarm your system so you have footage of who disarmed your system. But please don't worry, all of your recordings are locked down and encrypted so only you can access them.

4 Messages

You are missing the point Emily and SimpliSafe. WE DO NOT WANT THIS FEATURE! WE WANT THE OPTION TO CHANGE THIS SETTING. 


Emily, are you stating that no one at SimpliSafe is able to ever access our videos? What about in a crime where access to video is needed to find the criminal(s); are you saying that if the home owner is unable to access their account that no one within SimpliSafe can access the video footage for evidence needs with law enforcement? I doubt it; therefore please do not tell us our recordings are locked down and encrypted so only we can access. 

SimpliSafe needs to take action and update the settings for us end users.

1 Message

If what Emily said was true - that recording when the system is turned from Home to Off is to provide a video of who turned it off - then the video would be available in your timeline. It's just not true what she's saying.

I believe it's so that SimpliSafe has a record of the homeowner in the event they need to monitor an alarm to see if it's an intruder or a false alarm.

It should definitely be an option to turn it off. Unsolicited recording from your own security system without the option to turn it off is unacceptable. 


@JustinJustin​ have you found a resolution for this? I completely agree this does not seem legal by any means. 

@bshimkos​ amazing point. I was just thinking .. I have never seen these recordings in my timeline. 

1 Message

3 months ago

New SS user here.  I just installed a large system (45+ sensors, multiple cameras) to replace a previous LifeShield system i've had for 15+ years.  The indoor cameras are activating, shutter opening, while system is in OFF MODE.  Even when no-one [here] is using the view function.  My daughter said this has been happening a LOT.  She thought it was me 'messing' with her.  If these issues cannot be resolved within a few weeks, I'll be tearing all this out and sending it back for a refund.  I chose this system believing that the indoor cameras would ONLY activate DURING AN ALARM.  I will not tolerate this invasion. 

1 Message

2 months ago

I agree I just installed Simpisafe, We should have the option to turn the cameras on and off.

3 Messages

It's just wrong. No entry sensors, glass breakage have been triggered. The system is disarmed from the inside with the correct pin. The camera should not record.

I'm an old fat guy. I started shutting it down in the nude with my butt facing the camera. Enjoy SS!

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