Product Support
Getting Started
Using Your System
Account & Billing
Add or remove PINs for your Original SimpliSafe using the Web App or the Keypad.
Features / Settings
Help Center Article
Original SimpliSafe
Sensors are essential to protecting your home. Entry Sensors are made up of two parts: a magnet to install on your door or window, and a sensor to install on the doorframe or window frame.
Install / Set Up Help
If you purchased your SimpliSafe System prior to December 2019, you may need to upgrade the cellular module within your Base Station. Use this article to complete the necessary steps to swap out the component.
Does your Keypad look like the one pictured to the left? Then you're in the right place! You've got the Original SimpliSafe® system. If you purchased a new system in 2018 or later, you likely have the Gen 3 SimpliSafe®. If you're not certain which system you have, you can tell the dif
Having trouble changing your settings or system alarm state? Use the steps in this guide to troubleshoot your Base Station's connection.
Troubleshoot an Issue
You can remove sensors from your system through the Keypad or, for customers with Interactive Monitoring, the online account.
Your Base Station is the brains of your system and requires a clear connection between your SimpliSafe devices and home network. In some instances, resetting the Base Station will be a step you need to take to restore system communication.
Errors / Warnings