‎Need helping removing Video Doorbell from House | SimpliSafe Support Home

Tuesday, January 19th, 2021 5:28 PM

Need helping removing Video Doorbell from House


We recently had to set up a new Wi-FI network so our doorbell disconnected The security screw is stripped and I couldn't find an extractor small enough at the store, so I drilled into the security screw, but still no luck in getting it off of the face plate. Any other suggestions on how to remove the doorbell as we haven't had a functioning camera there for over a month now?

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4 years ago

Hi @allan.lunkenheimer,

Your situation may prove to be a bit tough since you have already tried to drill out the security screw but some people have previously suggested putting a bit of hot glue on the end of the screwdriver, and then holding it in place on the screw until it dries. If that doesn't work out for you we should still be able to reset your Video Doorbell Pro without needing to take it off of its bracket.

In order for this to work, we will first need to get the camera back online. Since we can't do that through the use of the reset button and going back through the setup, we'll need to set up a temporary WiFi network that uses the same WiFi name and password that was in use when the Video Doorbell Pro was last working. You can either do this by changing your current WiFi credentials on your router, by creating a guest network with those credentials, or by setting up a hotspot on your phone using those credentials. Once that network has been set up, the Video Doorbell Pro should connect to it properly.

Once connected to the network again, you can remove the Video Doorbell Pro from your account. Whenever the Video Doorbell Pro is removed from an account while it's online, it will reset itself after about a minute. Once the Video Doorbell Pro has reset itself, you can connect it to your new WiFi network.

SimpliSafe Social Team
SimpliSafe Home Security
Thank you for the info! This worked and I was able to get it connected to my new WiFi network!

1 Message

2 years ago

now my camera isn't working at all.  I deleted it and tried to add it back and it won't light up.  Says it needs to charge.  Now what

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3.4K Messages

@ktaylor2404​ I would try performing a soft reset on your Video Doorbell. The guided flow in this Help Center article provides step-by-step instructions, as well as a video.

1 Message

10 months ago

How do I get the door bell camera off the mounting bracket 

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@Wahaut​ You will need to use the Torx screwdriver that came with your Video Doorbell Pro to remove the security screw located at the bottom of the device. Once removed, you can slide the Video Doorbell Pro up and off its mounting bracket.

1 Message

Where do I get a TorX screwdriver?

I misplaced the one that came with the camera. 

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@lucyhm the Video Doorbell Pro's security screw uses a T5 Torx screwdriver, if you happen to have one from something else. 


But if you do not, our Support team can send you a new screwdriver.

1 Message

5 months ago

Helped me! After 3 months of down time on my door bell camera I used my phone to imitate my old network. Instead of removing power from camera I found it easier to remove 1 wire at my door bell itself. I then deleted the camera in the app. Then installed as new.

Thank you!!

1 Message

11 days ago

I have the same problem and the glue didn’t work. Does Simpisafe have technicians that come out to customers? 

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@dvamper1004 We do not have technicians who come out and visit customers. But if hot glue did not work, we also recommend the rubber band trick. 


Place a rubber band between the security screw and screwdriver and then apply slow, yet hard, pressure as you turn the screw. The rubber band should help to add more grip.

1 Message

9 days ago

What if I can not locate the 

T5 Torx screwdriver

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1.2K Messages

@scooter60cuts If you contact our Support team, they can assist you with obtaining a new Torx screwdriver. But T5 Torx screwdrivers are also available at retailers like Amazon and Home Depot.

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