‎Wireless Outdoor Camera and Smart Alarm Indoor Camera Firmware 1.24 (May 2024) | SimpliSafe Support Home
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Friday, May 17th, 2024 2:59 PM

Wireless Outdoor Camera and Smart Alarm Indoor Camera Firmware 1.24 (May 2024)

Here’s what’s coming in 1.24:

  • General stability and performance improvements
  • Laying groundwork to support upcoming features
  • Performance Mode Improvements

Firmware updates for the Wireless Outdoor Camera and the Smart Alarm Wireless Indoor Camera are sent to your devices automatically, and there’s no need to take action on your end. The rollout happens over time, so if you don’t have this update on your device yet, you should see it soon.

Previous Updates:

3 Messages

8 months ago

My cameras are reporting 1.27  seems like this post is a few firmware updates behind.

2 Messages

I have 1.29. Any release info about this?

3 Messages

My cameras are now at 1.30 except one is at 1.29.

3 Messages

5 months ago

My camera shows the version as shown below. I'm looking to trying to improve them camera reliability. I have 2 outdoor cameras and they just are not reliable  they don't always connect and live streaming is often unavailable, just get "launching live view"  then nothing. They are also unreliable in detecting motion. Cameras are both no more than 15 ft from a router with clear view and all of our other wifi devices work fine. We have a Deco mesh system with strong coverage so I don't believe there is a wifi signal issue. 

So my question - is there an update that will help organize are ther camera upgrades? I've had these for a few years and it's been a struggle all along. 

Software Version


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@stevewcrass Our devs are constantly working on improving our cameras' performance with each firmware upgrade. But we would also recommend using our in-app Connection Check tool to further troubleshoot your cameras' connection to your network. This tool will run a scan on your cameras, and provide troubleshooting steps to improve their connectivity based off their results. 


If you see the How to Troubleshoot Your Camera's Connection article in our Help Center, it will take you through the steps of using the tool and provide further details on what your results mean.


The Outdoor Camera also needs to communicate with both your network and the Base Station in order to wake up and detect motion. It can also help to move the Base Station a little closer to these cameras to strengthen their connection.

3 Messages

I use that tool and it frankly seems to make no difference before and after running. I've read the articles, I've moved the routers to various distances (some as short as 10 feet) with no change in reliability of the connection. The indoor cameras are highly reliable and remain connected and livestream quickly opening. The outdoor cameras need some work. I see many other people with similar issues. I'm considering going to non simplisafe outdoor cameras, though they won't run through your system I will be able to use them when I'm not on the premises.

5 months ago

I am not tracking. Where do I find what version of firmware I have.

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@lindamarsland1 You can see which version your camera is running by taking these steps:

  1. Open the SimpliSafe mobile app on your smartphone or tablet
  2. Select My System, and then Camera Settings
  3. Select the camera you want to check
  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen until you see Basic Info
  5. Next to Software Version, you will see what firmware your camera is running

3 Messages

I ordered my SimpliSafe system 2/24/24. I only ordered 2 outdoor cameras at the time. In October I ordered 2 more outdoor cameras some more sensors and 1 more doorbell camera. One of the outdoor cameras shows that it is offline all the time. I have even switched it with the other cameras. The other cameras are working great (all 3 of them). But one of the new ones is not. If I bring it in the house close to the router and base station it works. But I already have indoor cameras. The only difference I have found is the software version is different from the other 3. The 3 that are working fine are V1.38.2.206. The one that isn’t working right is V1.37.1.200. Could that be the problem? And if so, how can I fix it?

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@bodie1959 resetting the Outdoor Camera can help it re-establish its WiFi connection, and help it update to firmware 1.38. For steps on how to do this, check out the How to Reset the Wireless Outdoor Security Camera article in the Help Center.


And if the Outdoor Camera only connects when you bring it into your house, that indicates that the camera may have a hard time connecting to your network from its location. Moving the Outdoor Camera, or router, to a new location so the two devices are closer together can help remedy this issue.


We also recommend using the Connection Check tool in the SimpliSafe Mobile App. This tool will scan the camera's connection to the WiFi network and provide tips on strengthening it. The How to Troubleshot Your Camera's Connection article will take you through the steps of using the tool and provides additional insight into what your results mean.

3 Messages

After resetting the camera again (x3), it now has the same software version as the others. It still doesn’t livestream 95% of the time. As for the distance to the base station and router. It’s closer than all the rest by far. I’ve even swapped it with the other cameras that work just fine. It still won’t livestream. No matter where I put it. Except inside. And I already have indoor cameras.

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@bodie1959 If the camera will not livestream even when swapping its location with cameras that do work, that could indicate an issue with the device itself. In that case, please reach out to our Support team for further assistance. 

27 Messages

2 months ago

I'd be interested to know why there isn't a dedicated post for the latest firmware since 1.24, given most of us are on 1.38 now?

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34 Messages

Hi @Immz

Thanks for your post and for flagging this. You're right to point out the UK differences in content at this time.  
Our UK community and help centre are relatively new, which means we're still building up the content and engagement.  
We understand this makes it harder to find the information you need, you are able to toggle between the US and UK pages using the globe icon in the top right-hand corner of any page.

We're working on populating the UK community with more discussions and resources.  
Regarding software updates and the issue tracker, we'll have an update on that within the next two weeks, which will include information on firmware releases.

Thank you

1 Message

1 month ago

Since the latest firmware update, my 3 outdoor cameras will not live stream, although they still record motion.  They worked fine before.  What gives?

27 Messages

Same. I’m a UK customer on vacation and I’ve not been able to connect to Live Stream at all.  I’ve tried cellular and WiFi without luck. Also tried the web app but it doesn’t work on IOS Safari.

i contacted support who can’t resolve until I’m home when I’m able to disconnect and reconnect the camera.

This is absolutely pointless and utterly unacceptable for a security system, regardless of the reason.

I’ll be cancelling and putting this garbage in the bin. 

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@jixmy In order to wake up and livestream, the Outdoor Camera relies on its connection to the Base Station. If your cameras' streams do not load, that could indicate a weak connection between them in the Base Station. 


We recommend moving adjusting the location of the Base Station so it's closer to the cameras and away from sources of interference like thick walls and heavy appliances. 

27 Messages


I’n receiving motion alerts and recordings, so this is not the case.

Please focus on the actual defects of the system so users have a reliable security system.

27 Messages

1 month ago

Once home, taking the battery out the camera to reboot, corrected the issue.

This an issue I should not of had to face from a security system whilst away from home.

Interestingly, in app following camera reboot I got a local network access request and further camera confirmation prompts.

This means it was software related, given that I still received alerts and recordings. 

This is a you issue, not a me issue SimpliSafe. I’m looking at alternative solutions


27 Messages

21 days ago

Firmware 1.40

This is beyond a joke at this point.

Apparently this recent update includes, ..'Performance Improvements'. Do you even bother doing testing or do you rely on the community to do it for you?

You've managed to introduce a good 5 sec delay to my Outdoor Camera — cars and people just teleport to the front of my property.

I feel like we've been here before, many many times. Aren't things meant to improve, rather than regress. On that note, how about regression testing?

This happens a month after I was unable to connect to live view for the duration of my vacation. Only to have to disconnect and reconnect the camera on my return.

God forbid we have to rely on this excuse for a security system at some point. It just serves as a timely reminder to replace this.


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