Community Admin
5.7K Messages
Community Guidelines
Welcome to the SimpliSafe Community! In order to make this a valuable community for current and future SimpliSafe customers to find answers to their questions and support from their peers, we ask that everyone follow these guidelines.
- SimpliSafe is for everyone. We want to create an environment where all users can feel welcome. Please be respectful of others, refrain from excessive foul language, and leave politics at the door. Racist, sexist, or other forms of derogatory language will not be tolerated. Note that this forum is for account holders 18 and over and is not intended for minors.
- Stay on Track. Friendly discussion is very welcome. But on public threads, please focus on answering the topic at hand. Also, please post only one thread per topic.
- Legal Matters. Please don’t post anything that is against the law, or encourages the circumventing of law. That includes discussions about software piracy, illegal activities, violence, abusive activities, harassment, disparagement, or behavior that is otherwise immoral, deceptive, scandalous, obscene, or would generally damage or negatively affect this community or the reputation of SimpliSafe.
- Help us protect your privacy. For your own safety, we ask that when posting in public, you refrain from sharing any personal information (yours or anyone else’s). Our moderators are available via private message if you need more in-depth assistance!
- Signing up. To prevent abuse, we do require that you create an account before you post in our Community. Please create only one account.
- No Spam Zone. You may post links from other companies as part of the discussion, or for the sake of comparison. But posting for the main purpose of promoting non-SimpliSafe products or services is not permitted.
- No Talk of Hacking. Posts encouraging users to circumvent or modify SimpliSafe systems, hardware, software, or services are prohibited by the Terms of Service, Terms of Sale, and the product warranty. For example, discussing different ways of using your existing equipment is okay (e.g. setting up the magnet to fit a sliding glass door), but talking about opening up the hardware and changing their internal functions is not (e.g. modifying sensor circuits). If you are unsure of what is or isn’t allowed, your Admin team would be happy to help!
- No Solicitations. Our Community is not set up as a marketplace. Please do not post about buying, selling, or trading equipment with other users, or asking for offers of the same.
- Private and Public. These rules do apply wherever you are in the SimpliSafe Community - including your private messages with each other, and with staff. If you see inappropriate behavior in a Private Message, please report to our staff.
- We're on your side. We on the staff are here to help the community grow. We reserve the right to take appropriate action when any of the above guidelines are violated. In general, offending users may receive a warning from an Admin publicly, or via private message. Repeat offenses, as well as severe offenses, may result in a ban. SimpliSafe reserves the right to modify these guidelines at any time for any reasons.
One last thing: from time to time, your inquiries might require some investigation by our engineering, dev, or other teams. This may include bug reports, or other issues that you encounter while using your system. We have a label system that will show you the status of the investigation at a glance. You can see the label on the top right of each post. Here's what the labels mean:

Happy posting!
Official Solution
Community Admin
5.7K Messages
9 months ago
Hi all,
Please be advised that we have added a new rule to our Community Guidelines (#7 in the above post). If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to message the admin team!
6.3K Messages
3 years ago
Best of luck in the launch of your new (and long awaited) online community site! Live long and prosper!
175 Messages
3 years ago
UGH! I hate it! Had to log in on my phone! Couldn’t do it on my iMac in either safari or Firefox!
Community Admin
5.7K Messages
3 years ago
Hi folks,
Just wanted to call out that we added a new rule. Please be aware before posting!
5 Messages
3 years ago
System seems to work reasonably well considering I live out in the sticks and have a very weal cell signal and a snails pace internet.
2 Messages
3 years ago
The simply safe is so easy to use that it's named simplisafe.
6 Messages
3 years ago
We've been having quite a few camera not online since a couple upgrades ago that seem to be related to more bandwidth now required for the system. We even upgraded to a gig internet connection. Does the system require more bandwidth than 2 years or 1 year ago?
1 Message
3 years ago
Easy and clear so far
Community Admin
5.7K Messages
2 years ago
Hi folks,
Bumping this post for one more update on these guidelines with info about the Status labels, that you may see on posts from time to time.