‎System Firmware 2.1 (March 2021) | SimpliSafe Support Home
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Tuesday, March 9th, 2021 5:19 PM

System Firmware 2.1 (March 2021)

Hi folks,

We've got a major update rolling out to all customers soon. Lots of updates under the hood, including performance and security improvements. But there's quite a few noticeable new features as well!

If you've never updated before, here's how:

  1. Make sure your system is connected to WiFi
  2. Check that an update is available by heading over to your Keypad and looking for a Gear icon
  3. Press the side of the screen where the Gear icon is, and follow the on-screen instructions

Here's what's coming in Update 2.1:

  • Improvements to WiFi performance and stability, including compatibility fix for Arris brand routers.
  • Your SimpliSafe system will now appear on your router's list of connected devices as "SimpliSafe", and no longer "Espressif".
  • Revamped Firmware Update process for a smoother experience when updating in the future.
  • "Check for Updates" feature will now immediately request to download the latest update, rather than just checking if it's available to install.
  • Fixed an issue where the Base Station LED might stay lit up after ringing your Video Doorbell.

For Users with an Arris brand Router:

If you have an Arris WiFi router, you may of course not be able to connect your Base Station to that WiFi router, which is necessary to facilitate this firmware update. A possible workaround is to connect your Base Station to a different WiFi network temporarily, until the update is complete.

Should you need to take your Base Station to a different location, you'll only need to bring your Keypads with you. Your sensors and other components can remain in place - you might just get error messages from them while they are out of range.

Previous Updates:

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5.7K Messages

4 years ago

One more little thing to note. We hit a snag with how the Over-The-Air update is delivered to your Base Stations, so we've had to put a pause on it for a little while.

But if you were one of the few who have already downloaded the new firmware, please don't worry. The issue does not affect the firmware itself, so you shouldn't experience any issues.

Of course, let us know if you have any trouble with the update process, or anything else!

- Johnny M.
SimpliSafe Home Security



6.1K Messages

4 years ago

@Johnny M thank you for the post. Now, just one more small process:

1. Select your post
2. Right click, select copy
3. Under a new category on the dashboard menu "Software versions"
4. You click and so to a page entitled "Software Information Library.
5. Right click, paste.

Okay, a bit satirical but you get the idea.  You have already written the content, not much more to go!

245 Messages

4 years ago

Nice to see timely and detailed communication from SimpliSafe.  Stickied too so people can find it.  Keep up the good work.

31 Messages

4 years ago

I don't usually have wi-fi on but I turned it on this morning and connected Simplisafe based on Johnny's post. I see that there is a delay but just wondering when to expect the gear icon?

Additionally, if someone could make sure it's pushed to me when it's ready that would be great.

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536 Messages

4 years ago

Hi @Carlton76,

While we don't have an exact date that it'll be available again, once we re-release version 2.1, your All-New SimpliSafe Base Station will download the firmware update all on its own. After it has been downloaded, you will notice that the ‚öô Gear icon will have automatically appeared on the left side of your Keypad's screen. Upon selecting the gear icon, you will be taken through the update process.

SimpliSafe Social Team
SimpliSafe Home Security

263 Messages

Could you please advise when the firmware rollout starts again. I know in the past firmware rollouts  some systems did not automatically update and the only way owners knew that an update took place was because they saw it on the forum. In turn they had to notify SS and have the update manually pushed to their system months after it originally rolled out.

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536 Messages

3 years ago

Hi @sh2402,

We re-released firmware v2.1 a few days ago but it may take a few weeks to reach all of our users. If you still don't see the ‚öô Gear icon on your Keypad in a few weeks, let us know and we can check on the status of the rollout.

SimpliSafe Social Team
SimpliSafe Home Security

31 Messages

I have never gotten the live update to work. When I needed one of my keypads updated last May, SS ended up shipping me a new keypad because they said there was an error when they tried to push the update to me. However, at the time I didn't realize my base was only at version 1.5.1 and I really needed 1.6 series like my keypads have.  I'm wondering if 1.5.1 version has an issue with the live updates.

So like I requested above, I was wondering if someone could push the update to me so I would know whether or not it was working instead of waiting a few weeks. Thanks.

263 Messages

Thank you SimpliSafe Social Team for the follow up post.

263 Messages

3 years ago

Has anyone received the firmware update?

31 Messages

No, I haven't.

I've had my wifi on for 3 weeks waiting to receive but nothing. I've already twice requested for someone to push it to my base station but still nothing. So either that did not work or nobody tried.  ¬Ø\_(„ÉÑ)_/¬Ø

1 Message

3 years ago

The firmware code is now live and available.

31 Messages

I called tech support to see if someone could push the new update to my system.

The first person who answered didn't know what a "firmware update" was. She said she would transfer me and the call disconnected. I called back and spoke to another woman who also wasn't familiar with the update. She transferred me to a man in tier 2. This man understood "firmware update" but had no idea there was a version 2.1 and didn't know how he could send it. The "check for updates" function on my keypads always says "system is up to date" no matter what. I see the old version numbers so I know it's wrong. We also went through the usual troubleshooting of removing batteries etc still no luck.

He also said if he had new keypads and a base sent out that he thought the old version of the firmware would still be on it. I said that defeats the purpose. So he said he would leave a message with his supervisor to call me back within 72 hours....  Sounds ok but I've never been able to get a supervisor to call me back before with this 72 hour claim.

I'm posting this message in the hopes that someone familiar with the firmware update can reach out and help me fix this problem. Also since I'm not able to answer my phone at every moment of the day I'm hoping that someone will leave a message if it goes to voice mail.  Thanks...

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536 Messages

3 years ago

Hi all,

We know it's been a while since our last update about this. While the rollout of the latest firmware started a few weeks ago, it has been taking a little bit longer than expected to get it to each and every All-New SimpliSafe system. We ask that you continue to be patient with us while we continue to send the update to more and more Base Stations each day.

SimpliSafe Social Team
SimpliSafe Home Security

263 Messages

See now this is where things need to improve. As soon as you were aware that the rollout was taking longer than anticipated you should have made customers aware. Also the fact Customer Service has no idea what a firmware update is or if they do know they have no idea one is being rolled out and that they may see an increase in customer contact in regards to this topic. You should also be making these notifications in the customer account message section. Paying subscribers shouldn't have to search a forum page for important information about changes to their system. They should be able to open their account on a laptop or cellphone app and there should be a message indication symbol which they should be able to open and be informed that a new firmware is rolling out. The main reason is because if for some reason their system didn't accept the update .... power outage, WiFi is down they would never know to be looking for the update unless their lucky enough to stumble across it in the forum.

84 Messages

So when is this coming to mine? I still don't have the gear icon. It shouldn't take months to roll out a new firmware. Reminds me of being on Android, you never know when you'll get an update and if your phone model is lucky enough to get one you won't know when you'll get it. Whereas iPhone you can immediately update as soon as new software is released.

1 Message

3 years ago

I live in the UK, and just installed a firmware update on my system. No drama, the update was very quick and my system still works as normal, except that the voice from the base station now has an American accent, whereas before the update, it had an English accent.

Is there any way to change the accent in settings? I've had a look on both the keypad and inside the app (I have Pro Premium monitoring), but haven't seen any way to change this.

Any help much appreciated - it now sounds like an intruder in my house when the alarm is set and unset!

136 Messages

3 years ago

Agree communication needs to improve.

After twice being told this update would be pushed to our base, now being told that it will roll out in sections and no set time frame. Even though it is admitted that the update might help a problem we are experiencing.

The first 4 bullet points under "Here's what's coming in Update 2.1:" are of interest and I've got to say bullets 2 and 4 should have been that way from the beginning and the WiFi should be rock solid no matter what.

The first base station was on 1.5 and would not accept an update at all so it was replaced.

The second shipped with 1.6 and says it is up to date.

I did experience a phone representative who did not seem to be aware of what a firmware update is, but will say that otherwise generally everyone I've spoken to has tried diligently to help.

This system just seems overall buggy or quirky, I find myself wishing I had purchased direct so I could send the whole shooting match back.



6.1K Messages

3 years ago

@KRStrick  after 9+ years as a customer, all I can say is that I have to admit the whole software update process is not anything near optimal.  For Johnny M to use  a state of the art 2007 forum thread to document what will be in a firmware release is ludicrous and reminds me of the book Catch 21.  (While hilarious in a satirical book not so much with your security system provider)

Those of you that have patiently tolerated my rants over the years know where I am going with this.  A few hours  of a copy writer and programmer can solve this with a "system status page" and "software release schedule page" on the dashboard.

For those that need it a more visual example. firmware version, tentative release date, release date and what's in it is not nuclear physics.

I am an avid Simplisafe customer, but this has gone on way too long.

1 Message

3 years ago

I just got off of the phone with customer service and they claimed that there is no firmware 2.1 and it's all just internet rumors.

136 Messages

Weird, because i just got it.

Not sure if it was my complaining or just the natural order of things.

We shall see if it improves the situation with mine.



6.1K Messages

3 years ago

@ KRStrick I got the download before and, yes, it has improved the WIFI experience, is more stable and the update function on the keypad works as advertised.

2 Messages

3 years ago

Just ...curious,

Those that have their system upgraded to version 2.1...where do I see what version I have??

If I check for "system update" (on my keypad, it says..."System Up to Date". But I cannot find where it shows me the
firmware version #.  I can see version #'s of my basestation and keypad hardware, but not firmware.

I just got off phone with support and she assured my I was up-to-date, which she could see on her end.

Thx for the help...

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