2 Messages
Can’t disarm the alarm and stuck upstairs at 5.30am!
Well I’m not happy - was up this morning in order to leave the house for work at 5.30am and found my keyfob would not disarm the alarm - there’s just no response at all. Tried turning the alarm off via the app, it responds with ‘Device connection problem’.
So I tried connecting to the cameras - yes I connect to them ok. So the base station seems to be working but won’t accept any commands etc.
Tried my wife’s keyfob - nothing. Tried turning off wifi of my phone to force cellular connection, same ‘device connection problem’. Tried rebooting the router that is upstairs and tried app again after it came back, same ‘device connection problem’.
So here I am unable to disarm the alarm and unable to go downstairs (where the basestation is) without triggering the alarm and of course phone support doesn’t open until 9am.
If the alarm goes off it’ll wake up half the street and I’m not doing that at 5.30am.
Googling I find references to needing to do a reset of the basestation - if that’s the case that’s no good at 5.30am because I’d set the alarm off when I go downstairs in order to get to it. At the bottom of the stairs is the hallway that is an entry/exit point as by the front door so maybe, just maybe I’ll have the entry time delay to get to it and reset but IF doing a basestation reset disables an alarm event - well that will make the alarm system next to useless as any intruder could do that, so I’m guessing that won’t work and the alarm will go off.
Currently stuck upstairs, late for work, and now 6.15am my wife’s now getting up and will need to get downstairs ready for work.
Only option is to wait upstairs until a reasonable time to cause the alarm to go off, and I’ll be 2 hours late for work.
This is ridiculous!
6.3K Messages
19 days ago
@Garethgeneralg01 What did SS support say when you called to discuss the issue?