5 Messages
Smoke Detector False Alarms
We have three smoke detectors and one has been so bad about falsely alarming that we had to remove it from the system. SimpliSafe has failed to learn from and improve their own systems and technology.
they will soon go the way of Sears, Montgomery Ward, and K-mart
Official Solution
Community Admin
5.7K Messages
3 years ago
I sincerely apologize for your experience, @perkinsab . Our Support time might have already gone through this with you, but the way that the Smoke Detector works is that it triggers when microscopic particles enter a detection chamber. Of course, it's meant to look out for smoke particles, but it could be literally anything that is small enough to be able to get in there - steam or water vapor, dust, even possibly small insects. But something getting in the chamber is the only way that the sensor can trigger. So when we troubleshoot, we typically suggest examining where it's installed; for example, we wouldn't have it placed in a hallway in front of a bathroom, near a vent, or anywhere that can get very dusty - like a garage or basement.
From your second comment, it sounds like you've been having trouble with other sensors as well. If you would like, our community can help with troubleshooting for them as well.
5 Messages
3 years ago
You were lied to by SimpliSafe. Our second home has none of the causes cited by SimpliSafe to cause false alarms and we’ve had dozens of false alarms. The don’t care. In fact, they like it when the system false-alarms so you think it is “working”… if it never triggered, they think you’d not feel like you were getting anything for your money.
After 11 false alarms, the police at our second home stopped responding. Since then, we’ve had a break-in that the police wouldnt respond-to BECAUSE SimpliSafe cried wolf too many times. SimpliSafe doesn’t seem to care one bit.
I’m looking for a better system that actually helps secure the house and property … I’m convinced SimpliSafe will never rise to the challenge.
1 Message
2 years ago
Same here. Two false alarms at 3 am and another today at 6 pm. Seems to be defective battery is reported as good in the app.
1 Message
11 months ago
Two different smoke detectors - randomly just go off. Customer Service said they are ultra sensitive to dust. Not a speck of dust on the units. Told me I have to clean the unit monthly. Seriously that is ridiculous……let’s blame the customer for our faulty designed product. Smoke detectors were invented in 1902 - they should detect smoke not anything else. I have 4 smoke detectors and a big investment in this Simplisafe system. I now have to remove these smoke detectors from my system - once I could chalk it up to maybe a fluke - now twice plus all these others comments having the same issues. Last time they dispatched the fire department at 1 am - because I didn’t pick up the phone soon enough as I was disoriented being asleep. I regret the day I bought Simplisafe. This seems like a product liability case in the making - I intend on speaking to an attorney about getting my money back on the entire system. My other home has a Ring system - and it has not ever gone off randomly. You would think they would have fixed this by now. Shame on you Simplisafe - the smoke alarm is the most important safety feature of my system and you’ve failed on this front miserably.
1 Message
11 months ago
False smoke detector went off three times and I ended up removing it from my device settings, this is the second device that I have problems with the smoke detector from simplesafe, the first device’s False alarm ended up with the fire department at my home as I was driving up the the house, good thing I was able to let the firemen in to check for fire without having to break down the front door. Don’t plan on getting another smoke detector from simplesafe, can’t trust it to protect your home.
1 Message
10 months ago
Multiple false alarms on ONE smoke detector out of SEVEN (plus 2 smoke/CO detectors so 9 total). If the alarms jumped from sensor to sensor, I'd believe it was dust. If it was an insect, I'd expect it to trigger the alarm more frequently. No steam or water vapor in a bedroom.
1 Message
10 months ago
I do not have any smoke/co detectors. Zero. Early this AM 2:30ish the system announced “fire, fire, fire” twice. I jumped up to investigate and nothing. Texted SS and they found no record. I repeat I do NOT have any smoke/co sensors. WTF?
3 Messages
9 months ago
I bought simplisafe system to replace my prior un-monitored system. I have lived in my home for 25 years. I have had 4 generations of Smoke detection in the years I have owned the home, some professional systems, some un-monitored "Smart" detectors.
The simplisafe system was purchased to return to a professionally monitored environement, but the smoke detectors may as well just be called 'Cooking Detectors'. They constantly false alarm when cooking even though not located near the kitchen. BBQ on the front porch set this thing off simply because a little BBQ smoke entered the house. I mean The door was open long enough for me to walk through it and the smoke detector is on the other side of the room.
I have had my smoke detectors located in the exact same locations for the last 25 years, and this is the only system that was constantly false alarming. I am currently trying to determine what to change to, because I just can't handle this any more.
I spoke with customer support, and they confirmed my only choice is to replace the system. So Pissed, because this system was not cheap, but hopefully I can off load the entire system for cheap just to recoup some of the cost.
6.3K Messages
9 months ago
I have six of the original SS3 smoke sensors and purchased one of the new smoke/co for testing. All have performed perfectly (originals) since installed in 2017 and I clean them every other month with a can of compressed air (buy it by the case at Costco) and takes under 10 minutes for all. For full disclosure, on my SS2 system I initially did not read the manual and got two false alarms, and then taking action on my wife's advice to RTDM (read the damn manual) I cleaned them monthly, then bi-monthly with no issues.
Of the 30+ systems placed, on one occasion with a SS2 system my friends son had a unit replaced twice, both malfunctioned and I was asked to get involved. The 3rd was fine and this was in 2014 with a SS2 unit.
If you are getting false alarms, call support and ask to be escalated to a technical specialist, even if a callback is required. There are dozens of SS3 systems with smoke sensors that I know very well that work with no issues. Believe me, if there were, my phone would be ringing non stop.
3 Messages
9 months ago
I have had 6 false alarms in about two years. I have replaced the unit a number of times. I use canned air to clear any dust every month (it is not in a dusty area). I have an old fashioned Home Depot detector on the same wall (not connected to a service). It never goes off as a false alarm.
I am likely going to switch to another company as this is becoming stressful and annoying (this week I had to rush home from work to meet the fire department!)
3 Messages
9 months ago
We have had Simplisafe about two year. We have had 6 false alarms with the smoke detector and have replaced the device multiple times and verified the position as well. I used compressed air monthly to clean the area of dust (it is not dusty) and my other smoke detectors that are not linked with the service, never have false alarms. One is just a few feet away. I am about to switch to another company because the stress and hassle is tough. I had to rush home from work this week to meet the fire department for a false alarm!! I have not had bad tech support and the folks are nice, but I think they have faulty equipment as this shouldn't happen repeatedly.
2 Messages
8 months ago
I just removed our smoke detectors from our system because of false alarms. I feel so badly that police and fire are dispatched and literally nothing is happening at my home - and always in the middle of the night. My fear is that they will not respond when there is an actual emergency. I wish there was some sort of verification before dispatch. Now I need to look into new systems - so disappointing.
1 Message
8 months ago
same here and the customer service is the worst.
1 Message
7 months ago
I like how they don’t reply to the complaints
7 Messages
4 months ago
Smoke detector triggered at 4:50am today at my 2nd/rental home, which is closed for the winter. This happened one year ago as well (could the smoke detectors be affected by temperature, I have to wonder...?), at which time I purchased two cameras that I set up in the off season so I can see what's going on. No smoke, nothing happening. I also learned last year that I am unable to shut the alarm remotely, nor can customer service. This is unacceptable, as I'm unable to manage the system as I need to. So:
1. The smoke detector false alarm issue needs to be resolved.
2. In the absence of #1, the ability to disable the alarm remotely needs to be made available, even if only for your customer service, should they need to first verify that indeed there is no fire.