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Friday, March 1st, 2024 5:44 PM

Pin Pad Failing to Disarm System

Does anyone else have issues with the Smart Lock inconsistently failing to disarm the system? About 15-20% of the time it fails to disarm. For context, I've sometimes found that replacing the batteries resolves the issues, although sometimes it has no impact. My base station is about 9 feet from the door without any barriers (i.e. walls) between the two.

I'm on my third replacement smart lock over the course of 3 years and feel perpetually frustrated—I end up completely resetting the hardware 3-4 times a year and cancel false alarms 2-3 times a year.

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3.4K Messages

1 year ago

Hi @401stephen, 

I'm sorry to hear about this trouble. Unlocking the Smart Lock should certainly result in the system disarming as well.

You mention that the Base Station is about 9 feet away from the Smart Lock, and since there are no barriers between the two devices range and interference shouldn't be the culprit either.

I've escalated your case to our Specialist team to get to the bottom of this. A senior agent will reach out to you soon, so keep an ear out for their call!

1 year ago

I am experiencing the same issue as Stephen. Both of our smart locks now fail to disarm. They unlock the door but disarming can only be done from the mobile app. Also, one of the two smart locks will not appear as locked even when it is locked. Short physical distance, no barriers, and batteries are working fine with all other functions. Additionally, the smart lock with the most problems has been recalibrated. And, the system is fully up to date. I can see no reason for this issue surfacing. Please advise. 

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3.4K Messages

@davidreynolds3560​ The Smart Lock failing to disarm the SimpliSafe system is generally due to interference between the Base Station and PIN Pad. If the PIN Pad is on a thicker metal or steel door, that could be a point of interference. In that case, changing the surface that the PIN Pad is on could help. 

I would also recommend unpairing and resyncing these PIN Pads. To unpair each PIN Pad on your Keypad, go to Menu > Devices > Lock > PIN Pad > Remove. When prompted "are you sure you want to remove this PIN Pad from your Smart Lock" select Yes. 

Then, to resync each PIN Pad to your Smart Lock, follow the steps as listed in this Help Center article

And with that Smart Lock that does not show as locked in the mobile app, I would first try resetting it. The guided flow in this Help Center article will walk you through the steps of resetting the Smart Lock.

2 Messages

I’m having this issue as well exactly as the original poster described . Any update?

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1.2K Messages

@cv_ss If the Smart Lock fails to disarm your system when it is unlocked, it can be that there is interference getting in the way. How far away is the Base Station from the Smart Lock/PIN Pad? Are there any thick walls/materials between them - like a brick wall or heavy storm door? 


If you haven't tried this already, we recommend moving the Base Station closer to the Smart Lock to see if that resolves the issue.

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