‎System suddenly stopped working. Will not react to any sensors. App will not connect or control base station | SimpliSafe Support Home
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Tuesday, November 7th, 2023 4:39 AM

System suddenly stopped working. Will not react to any sensors. App will not connect or control base station

A few days ago our system would not disarm via keypad or app. We called customer support, who had us reset the base station by unplugging it and removing batteries. After that the keypad would arm and disarm the system, but the app would just spin when trying to arm or disarm. We tried the app on multiple phones.

Additionally, we noticed the base station has since stopped chiming when entry sensors are open. We then tested the system by arming it via keypad then opening several doors, and the alarm did not go off! The base station seems unresponsive to all sensors.

Another hour long customer support call going in circles, and nothing is fixed. Base station still does not react to any sensors. Cannot arm or disarm system via app. When trying to adjust settings in the app it says it cannot connect to the base station.

We also made sure the system is connected to our 2.4ghz wifi.

Our system was working flawlessly for 2 years, now it is totally broken, even after 2 long sessions with customer support on the phone. Has anyone had a similar issue resolved? We will be cancelling our service if we cannot get this resolved in the next couple days.



6.3K Messages

1 year ago

@justinproctor5 This is very unusual, and serious behavior for your system. Suggest calling back, ask the agent for a call back from a supervisor and techncial specialist. Insist on high level support callback and not troubleshoot with agent on the phone, as you have already gone that route. Again, highly unusual and of course needs to be addressed asap.

Please post your outcome here. Good luck.

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

1 year ago

Hi @justinproctor5, 

I'm very sorry to hear about all this trouble. I've forwarded your case to our escalated Support team, one of our specialists will reach out to you soon to troubleshoot your system in real time and get to the bottom of this.

5 Messages

I’m having the exact thing happen to me. 3+ hours on the phone last night with every troubleshoot. Am told to expect a call back in 5 days. Incredibly disappointing. 


5 Messages

All fixed. 

It took a few days, but the system is fully up and running.  

Thank you for getting this resolved!

1 Message

Hey Richard724,

How did they fix your system or how did you fix your system? What was the solve?

Community Admin


3.4K Messages

@CP1​ If your SimpliSafe mobile app cannot connect to your Base Station or sensors, that is something that we should address ASAP. If you reach out to our Support team, they will be able to assist you in real time.

1 Message


having the exact same issue. What was the fix?

1 Message

6 months ago

I am currently going through this

 My system would not do anything while armed. I had to let the dog out and we listened helsitesly to that alarm for over 5 minutes!! 

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5.7K Messages

@rustykkat​ so sorry to hear that this happened to you! If the alarm was still able to trigger, that means the Base Station and at least that one sensor (for the door that you opened) were still functioning as normal.

Did you use your Keypad to attempt the disarm, or the SimpliSafe app? Sounds like there was a communication issue with whichever method you tried, and each would have a very different way of troubleshooting.

Of course, our Support team would be happy to take you through that troubleshooting step by step!

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