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Thursday, January 11th, 2018 1:00 AM

New system parts vs. older systems

Just noticed the latest system with a lot of redesigned pieces.I figure someone is going to ask the question sooner or later.

Are the newly designed pieces merely cosmetic and will function with the older systems? I briefly scanned the new system and didn't see anything mentioned regarding compatibility or lack of same.

Accepted Solution

292 Messages

7 years ago

they are not compatible.

6 Messages

7 years ago

Are we sure about that ??  If you look closely the CO2 sensor appears to be the v2.0 (current / now old style)

43 Messages

Simpisafe Rep said NO!

3 Messages


Hello!  I was wondering what were the results of you purchasing a new system and determining if you could use the older (previous model) sensors with it?

94 Messages

7 years ago

Call back and speak to another Rep and see what answer you get.If "No!" is correct then put it in writing.I'm all about knowing things upfront so there's no questions or who to blame down the road.

It should be in bold print where you have the option to buy more sensors,keypads,etc

The fact that you can order online without human interaction tells me that someone will eventually post here that they bought new sensors and they don't work on their older system.

Unless there is a builtin alert asking what system you now have before checking out there will be problems for sure!.

2 Messages

who  cares u fuckin idiot, the new is nice

6 Messages

7 years ago

Like I said earlier, the Smoke Detector & CO2 Sensor appear to be the same.  Rather than argue with fellow owners / others who rely on these board to contain good information here is what I am doing:

I purchased the small new system (with a few sensors, new base & keypad).  Once I receive it (obviously I will try to use my existing sensors)... I will report my progress.

They are offering a 60 day Money back guarantee on new systems... I know purchasing new is not for everyone, but I'm doing it for the following 3 reasons

- WI-FI & Cellular connections
- Lighted Keypad (I really personally need this)
- eventual integration with Alexa.

Most people may be upset about having to upgrade to the new system, I just don't want to replace 30 sensors, which do the same exact thing.

Technology changes (did anyone every get a new iPhone after 3 years because they bought an old - for example iPhone 5 - everyone should not expect a few upgrade to iPhone 8 - just an example).

Would it be nice for Simplisafe to give a discount for the new system, yes - are they a technology company - yes, so discounts are rare with many companies.

Either way, I will try out the new system with the old sensors & report back.  We'll see better in about 10 days.

2 Messages

upgrade if u want the newer look, its basically the same, just sleek like looking and more options on keypad such as connecting to wifi backup incase cell tower goes down

1 Message

rpiontek, did you ever find out if the old system smoke detector works on the new system?

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1 Message

What was the outcome of your test?

1 Message

7 years ago

Rpiontek, having, like the others on this post, searched the SS site seeking these answers, I'll be very interested in your test results.  My "old' style system is only 6 months old, so this is a bit disheartening.   Will you be testing smoke detectors?  At $30 each, my 7 smoke detectors were an investment I expected to not become technologically outdated in such a short time.  Not to mention with my 15 foot ceilings, required the Fire Deprtment to install - fortunately a free service where I live.  Who wants to have to reinstall a house full of sensors?  I still haven't managed to remove all my old Protection One remnants.   But the speedier functionality as well as the ability to integrate with Alexa and other IOTs is appealing.  Hopefully, the new base is compatible with old sensors/detectors and my posting here will notify me of your response!

1 Message

7 years ago

Wow, massively frustrating.  Simplisafe should at LEAST allow for reduced pricing for existing owners of their system, rather than start anew and pay full fare.  

If nothing else, yes, at LEAST the sensors should be compatible!  Can someone from Simplisafe actually chime in?

292 Messages

SS has chimed in.  The two systems are not compatible.
AMEN to that! the new system, with what I originally had, will cost me $600

4 Messages

7 years ago

"On January 10th, 2018 Shelby H. says:
We're excited to see all of your enthusiasm about our new generation of SimpliSafe! I wanted to address some great questions a few of you have brought up.

First, the new SimpliSafe is not compatible with any original SimpliSafe components. The redesign has included some great new features that require new hardware. Unfortunately, this means the systems components are not interchangeable between the new SimpliSafe and the original SimpliSafe.

Additionally, the original SimpliSafe system will continue to be supported. Your current monitoring services and warranty will remain unchanged. We want to assure our customers that the original SimpliSafe system remains as a great choice for customers looking for no-frills security with outstanding value. We are just as committed as ever in providing our customers with affordable and reliable security.

Finally, we are currently not offering an upgrade. The new SimpliSafe is offered at no increase in price, a testament to our efforts to keep security affordable. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or lingering concerns. We're here to help.

SimpliSafe Home Security"

1 Message

Totally disappointed SS, do the right thing and offer a discount to current customers and make it right... I see no reason you could not have made the old sensors compatible with the new system. Bad business!!!!!!
This is a terrible business model and very disappointing.
I'm dropping simplisafe.

1 Message

I just purchased the new package. It is the same as the old version I purchased in 2016. My price then was $304.91. The price of my new system is $374.91.. There certainly was a price increase.


2.2K Messages

7 years ago

The "not compatible" is understandable, as "all signals are now encrypted".  The no upgrade path is what is incomprehensible.

2 Messages

7 years ago

Does anyone know if the new components would be recognized by a Samsung SmartThings hub, or any other home automation hub? I want to have an alarm sensor on my front door but I also want to have a hall light turn on when the door opens. Ideally I would like to do this (and much more) without having to install multiple sensors.

Also, will the new system be HomeKit (or SmartThings, or Alexa) compatible as it is currently being delivered? I want to replace my large Simplisafe system with the new components but don't want to have to spend even more money for promised compatibilities.

2 Messages

I'm interested in the same thing.  Does anyone know if this is possible?

94 Messages

7 years ago

This might be petty to some but it's indicative of what SimpliSafe thinks of us as customers.....

Per SimpliSafe's website...You can buy the sign with stake included for $3.99 under the new system but you only get the sign for $3.99 under the older system.I would buy the sign with stake included but it's probably incompatible with my system.

Hey SimpliSafe! Next time you have a meeting make sure you have all hands in the room. You sure haven't learned much after 10yrs.

6 Messages

7 years ago

Well... That post above seems to be pretty detailed (and disappointing as we all agree)... I will still be making a move to the new system & selling all my old stuff on ebay.... Anyone want to purchase my current equipment let me know... I'll be selling sensors for $7.50 each,  detectors for $15.00 each.  All of these are about 1 year old & still work great

6 Messages

7 years ago

OK - I listed all my items on Ebay - Go to ebay & lookup Seller "Rickp703" for deals on Simplisafe 2 related items

1 Message

7 years ago

The 'original' units have an issue, sooo...

At least the cameras that many waited for years to be released work on both systems. It doesn't seem wrong that they would have a new iteration. Natural really. It's the incompatibility that is at issue and the incompatibility is certainly related to the flaw found in the old systems that allows thieves to 'crack' it.

Here's the thing: Simplisafe knows those with old systems have a flaw. They have a responsibility to manage that flaw. Imagine if a sensor could start a fire. Wouldn't they be responsible for replacing that sensor? On the macro side, they did address this by creating a new better system. But they are leaving those with the 'original' out in the cold with the defect. And it appears no one is being notified of the issue.

In short, it seems not just a customer-service issue here. They would appear to have a real, and legal responsibility to make sure those that bought a system for the security of their home to fix that issue. How many times do patches for a computer or phone come down? This is a flaw in something protecting the home.

They have a responsibility to those with the old 'original' system to provide a discounted upgrade path so they are not using the flawed/defective system. And they should phase out the old system. If enough owners of 'original' equipment knew that there was a security flaw in the system that could leave their home vulnerable, I'm sure there'd be an uproar.

It's not been in their DNA, but with this nice new equipment and direction, it'd be nice to see a new customer-focused orientation that didn't leave the 'original' equipment users out in the cold and vulnerable.

Let's see a 50% discount for original equipment holders and an additional 10% if they mail back the defective system to Simplisafe for destruction.

17 Messages

I agree totally with your comments JandN. What flaws/defects specifically are you saying we have in the 'original' system? Before I get too concerned about my home's security with the SS2 system I recently installed, I want to know all the facts. If as you infer the original system is putting my home and my loved ones at risk, I will consider joining everyone else in demanding that Simplisafe upgrade us to the new system. I think the last thing they want is for dissatisfied customers to share this issue on social media and every other media outlet about the way they do business.

738 Messages




To echo coltmaster1's sentiment, if you have purchased SS2 within the 60 Day return window, return it for SS3.

1 Message

Amen to this post! A discount of at least 50% is the least they can do in my opinion. I was thinking of expanding my system but not now!

20 Messages

7 years ago

When SimpliSafe actually delivers on Amazon Echo integration, I'll consider upgrading. SimpliSafe isn't the best with software development. On a Mac, as an example, the keychain fob will only use Safari, and Safari actually has to be set to be the default browser. Keep in mind that Chrome is the #1 browser in the world, yet this hasn't been fixed for two years! It would have been trivial to test for the default browser and then run the appropriate code.

I have a feeling that Alexa integration is a l-o-n-g way off.

2.8K Messages

7 years ago


SS2 isn't encrypted, so a thief could purchase a 100.00 device to "collect" your PIN when you dis-arm your system as he sits in wait just a mere 100 feet from your home or leaves a device hidden on the ground to collect the information (this was discovered by a security expert in 2015).   Simplisafe was or became aware of the issue but did not come out with a fix (the new SS3) until this month, three years later.  To fix it, they would have had to develop new base stations and keypads to encrypt the signals from the keypad - which in theory, customers could still keep the rest of their SS2 sensors and components and simply get new bases and keypads for their systems.

While technically, it would be somewhat arduous for a dumb thief to do, in practice, it is concerning because it can in fact be done.  The info is already out there in articles, videos on how to do it.

It's already been posted on the net, in various places (and there are threads here in the forum you can find for more info).  Simplisafe didn't do much to calm fears, except to downplay the issue.  

If you just bought your system within the last 60 days, you have the option to return and request a refund and consider buying the new SS3 if interested.
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