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Saturday, June 22nd, 2024 12:22 PM

Why does the system make so much useless noise?

Brand new Simplisafe customer this week. I am a bit frustrated already by two things.

1) How do I turn off the keypad key press beeps? I am standing in front of it pressing they keys, I do not need to hear beeps to know they are being pressed. This is thoughtless user design. We should be able to turn off button press beeps. If we can, I'm unable to find out how. 

2) I do not want the base station to announce that it has been turned off. It's 5am, I'm turning off the alarm, and I don't want it to wake up my family. It's already set to the lowest volume in settings. But if I turn it off entirely I may miss important announcements. This is thoughtless user design. We should have some granularity around when it makes announcements. 



6.1K Messages

3 months ago

@JasonDunn Easy. My base station doesn't make a peep; no lights, no alarts, nothing. Go to your phone app or web dashboard and shut them all off. Don't know how? Call support, provide your safe word and then ask the agent to do it for you. While on the topic, my base is hidden so an intruder won't find it.  As far as the keypad, suggest you use the keyfob or your smart phone to turn the system off in the morning. Quiet and quickly done.

More questions? Support chat or calling in is available everyday. Good luck.

12 Messages

Hi there, thanks for the quick response. I understand that I can control the Voice Prompts volume, from OFF to HIGH. My concern is that this seems to be an all or nothing approach: if I set it to OFF, the base station will never announce anything at all, which doesn't seem like a great idea. It should be granular to the point where I don't need it to announce when the system changes state, but I would like it to tell me if there's an important issue I should know about. 

Having a silent keypad isn't an unreasonable expectation. Anything that beeps should have the ability to set to not beep.

Is this forum not the right place to make posts about how as a customer I would like the product to work differently? Is it only customer to customer support and I should direct my feedback elsewhere?



6.1K Messages

@JasonDunn​ There is a designated area for suggestions and requests to be put in. SS will get back to you, problably with a "Thanks but not going to be purused".  I would ask you, though, to consider going as stealth as possible with your base. The reason is that while you can shorten the entry delay to 0 seconds to home and 30 seconds on away (or lower if you call in) there is still a slight chance an intruder could locate your base and destroy it before sending a signal to the monitoring center.  The SS commericals of a family sitting around their base and watching TV is not realistic and quite misleading, and in my opinion, you are much better off with the base not in plain view.  Also, on a different subject, consider putting all of your entry sensors, except your usual entry points (ours is the garage door leading into the kitch) on instant alert so there is no delay in tripping the alarm if an intruder attempts to get in.

Community Admin


3.3K Messages

3 months ago

@JasonDunn Unfortunately there is no setting on the Keypad that allows you to turn off the beeping sound every time a button is pressed. But if you create an ideas post in the Product and Requests section of the Community asking for this feature, we can pass it along to our devs for their consideration. 

And regarding the Base Station's voice prompts, there is not a setting that allows you to only hear some of the Base Station's voice prompts. There is a Voice Prompt setting for the Base Station, but if you turn that setting off it will turn off all of the Base Station's voice prompts. But same as with the Keypad, if you create a separate ideas post in the Product and Requests section of the Community for this, we can send this idea to our devs.

12 Messages

@emily_s​ If I turn off the base station voice entirely, do alerts still come through to the app? Or are there base station-only announcements that I'll miss out on by turning off the voice entirely?

Community Admin


3.3K Messages

@JasonDunn​ If you turn off the Voice Prompts setting for the Base Station, you will still get notified about your system through the SimpliSafe mobile app and Keypad. There are no Base Station-only announcements that you will miss if you turn this setting off.

1.2K Messages

3 months ago

@JasonDunn You could reduce the keypad beep some, on the back of the keypad are eight tiny holes, presumably speaker.

Gorilla tape etc., to block holes. At your own risk. Perhaps or not, admins will confirm if all of those holes are speaker or not.

Base station sounds, low or off is about it.

Mine does make sound, I'm half deaf, maybe more, 😆, I can't even hear the keypad unless I'm standing in front of it.

And the base is in the living room while we watch tv. , 😁😮😉😂. There's little flexibility with system settings, they pick them not us, though a few are user suggestions, the rest, in file 13 in perpetuity.


12 Messages

@dlpsr​ Thanks for the suggestion. I put my fingers over the holes on the back and disarmed the system this morning and it was just as loud. The internal speaker seems to be aimed at the sides as it was no quieter than before.

1.2K Messages

@JasonDunn​ Well, I guess duct tape is not the answer then. Warranty issues would result from taking it apart and destroying the speaker permanently. If it could be found.

I have pictures of the keypad internals but can't make out a speaker. Sound also probably comes out around the button holes.

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