‎No alert if home internet cut/disconnected? | SimpliSafe Support Home
Boring_Joe's profile

Thursday, January 26th, 2023 4:28 AM

No alert if home internet cut/disconnected?

With the base station connected to my home Wi-Fi and its cellular backup, I disconnected the ethernet cable from my modem to my router.  I did not receive any push notification or SMS alert from SimpliSafe that my home internet connection had been lost.  Is this normal?  Does the base station not monitor for an active home internet connection and send an alert over cellular if the home internet is lost?

If I simply turn off my router, which turns off the home Wi-Fi, then yes, I receive an alert that my home Wi-Fi has been lost.  So, alert for lost Wi-Fi, but no alert for lost home internet connection?



6.1K Messages

2 years ago

@Boring_Joe The base should be alerting you loss of WIFI, or internet connectivity and automatically go to cell, if needed, to contact monitoroing. Suggest you call SS support and troubleshoot.

Community Admin


3.3K Messages

2 years ago

Hi @Boring_Joe, 

You should be getting alerts when your power, and in turn internet connection, go down. I agree with Captain; if you contact out Support team they can troubleshoot this with you live.


88 Messages

2 years ago

Thank you, both.  So you're saying that that even if my home internet goes down, by way of a cut or disconnected internet/ethernet cable, and the base station is still connected to my Wi-Fi router, the base station should be sending an alert over its cellular connection to my phone that my home internet is down?  Please confirm.  If that's the case, my base station wasn't working properly when I tested.  I recently updated to the latest firmware, so will test again, and contact support if necessary.  I'll post my findings here.



6.1K Messages

@Boring_Joe​ There is one catch.....your notifications have to be turned on. Easy to do, on the dashboard or phone app. SMS, email and push alerts are all available. I have push alerts and email on; push alerts for issues and alarms, email for everything. Call support and they will assist you to configure.

88 Messages

@captain11​ Well, I think that would be obvious that notifications need to be turned on to be received. Mine are and were. I hope to have some time for further testing this weekend. 

2 Messages

2 years ago

Was there ever a resolution to this? My internet went out today (not WiFi) and I got no alert. 



6.1K Messages

@kmesker​ If your WIFI is lost, you should get a notification, and of course, when it is reconnected. That said, I just checked my Verizon 5G broadband log when I lost WIFI on 2/28 at 12:35pm for 3 minutes and did not get an alert.  Did a search in the help center and saw where a customer called into support and was told to do a hard reboot to "reset the protocol". I am going to test that right now and will update this post.

Update: did hard reboot of base, and did get notificaitons power was lost and then back on. Unfortunately, did not get WIFI notifications which I tested next. Calling support now to report issue and see what they day.

Support chat:  I think (keyword) that the agent stated you are supposed to see the lost WIFI event in your timeline but, at this time, you wlll not at a notificaiton about it via SMS, email or push notification.  If this is correct, I misunderstood how the system is works. The agent did give me the standard "I will bring this to the attention of our engineering team" etc etc. The agent also had me reinstall the app but haven't tested to see if the WIFI outage would then appear in my timeline.

I will email SS and ask for claficiation on what exactly is supposed to be the standard protocol on this.


2 Messages

Thanks. I am very curious as to their reply. 


764 Messages

2 years ago

@captain11 my mind is a bit fuzzy, but...  I thought when version 3 first came out, many of us users felt like we were alpha testers.  For some reason, I "think I" remember testing this feature back then.  Initially, if the wifi network was available, SS would NOT report loss of wifi.  I thought this was fixed early on.  Does any of this ring any bells to you?



6.1K Messages

@general_kaos​ As do I, hence why I replied in my first post earlier in the thread. 2018 was a long time ago in my mind, so after that confusing chat with the support agent today, I am hoping to see an "official" summary from SS. Emily, a SS moderator, did post after my original one and seemed to indicate you would be alerted. After my testing today, I can assure I was not notified when WIFI dropped.




6.1K Messages

Just did another search and got a hit that is very specific to this thread and issue.


Appears customer did a hard reboot and did get notification that WIFI was restored, as directed by SS support.  Still awaiting reply from SS to confirm this is normal and there may be a system issue right now.


764 Messages

2 years ago

Just tested my system.  Unplugged the router from the modem and no notification.  However, after about 1 minute, wifi was reported on the keypad as being down.  Within another minute, cell phone connection came up.  With the modem still disconnected, I was able to set and unset my alarm AND got notifications of both actions.  I did not get wifi backup either.  I have no reconfirmed the wifi message appears if AP/router goes dead.




6.1K Messages

@general_kaos​  Interesting that you said the notice appeared on the keypad. I never thought of checking that. Just did but nothing showing except front outdoor camera error, which would make sense if the wifi was down.  So possibly the SS3 system will report WIFI outage on the keypad but not send a push notificaton? 

Still would like clarification from SS on what officially is suppoed to happen and if something is amiss from a system standpoint on their end.

764 Messages

2 years ago

I figured I would give SS some additional data points before they reply.



6.1K Messages

@general_kaos​ There must have been some kind out outage with SS backend services. Yesteray I again rebooted my router and lo and behold, I instantly received push and SMS notices the WIFI connection was gone, and then restored. So Emily, SS moderator, and our memories were correct. That's the good news.

The bad news: as usually SS didn't notify anyone of the outage, it generated this thread and multiple posts etc etc.

Attention Simplisafe: Customers like myself have requested for years and years a Systems Status Dashboard in the community.  This is not rocket science or nuclear phsysics. When service A goes down, your monitoring program sends notificqation to SS systems engineer; add line in code generate alert and post on web page x. Okay, I'm not a programmer but we did this for customers with our medical equipment over 10 years ago.

And yes, formerlly requesting a detailed response what happened and what you can (and will ) do about it in the future. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.


764 Messages

2 years ago

@captain11 not sure what you were actually testing.  My scenario vs yours, you "killed" wifi and I "killed" the internet connection and left the wifi connection active.



6.1K Messages

@general_kaos​ sorry for the confusion. I shut off wifi ininitally (Google router, and this last time shut down the Verizon Home 5G gateway, either way there was no wifi to connect to the base.  Just easer to take down the Verizon gateway.

Community Admin


3.3K Messages

2 years ago

@captain11 and @general_kaos,

When your Base Station is disconnected and tries to send a signal through Wi-Fi, the signal fails, and then the Base Station connects to its cellular backup, you will receive a notification that Wi-Fi is down. If your Base Station is not connected to Wi-Fi or cellular, no signal would be sent, so no notification would be received.

However, when your Base Station isn’t connected to Wi-Fi or cellular, you will see a “No Link to Dispatch” message on your Keypad, so you will still be notified!



6.1K Messages

@emily_s​ Thanks for the reply but do have another question: The notification stated my base had no WIFI connection; it said nothing of internet ie back up cellular. This is the behavior I would expect. So, to confirm, there was no interuption of SS push or messaging alerts?

1.3K Messages

2 years ago

I suggest there needs to be a more clear delineation of behavior between loss of WiFi connection and loss of Internet itself, because they are not inherently one and the same.

Loss of WiFi connection would also be a loss of Internet connectivity, but loss of Internet connectivity isn't inherently loss of WiFi connection.

1 Message

9 months ago

I also tested this today - removed internet cable from my router. I didn’t receive any SMS or message on my timeline indicating internet is down. Spent 2hours with SimpliSafe tech support. SS kept saying WiFi and internet is the same thing. It seems SS basestation  cannot detect loss of internet.

88 Messages

5 months ago

This is a very important point of distinction. Just because a burglar cuts your cable internet line outside, doesn’t mean your WiFi is down. In such a case, your router will still be powered on and the SimpliSafe base station will still be connected to your router’s WiFi. The SS base will think everything is fine and not notify of the fact that your home internet is down due to the outdoor line being cut. That’s why when testing, leave the router and WiFi on and simply disconnect the cable going from modem to router or from wall jack to gateway if using all in one modem/router. This simulates the burglar cutting your internet line outside. Then within a minute trigger your alarm (having previously armed it) and see if or when you get a notification that the alarm has been triggered. 

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