‎"Keypad not responding" warning | SimpliSafe Support Home

Sunday, May 23rd, 2021 1:43 PM

"Keypad not responding" warning

Ever since an update was installed last month, I am now occasionally (2 - 3 times per week) hear a warning when I turn the system on or off that says "Warning Keypad is not responding."  Is my system still working? How do I eliminate this issue? I'm posting this on the forum because my emails to Support have not been answered.



6.1K Messages

3 years ago

@aesposto call support to troubleshoot.



6.1K Messages

3 years ago

@aesposto call support to troubleshoot.

To Simplisafe: want to stop acting like ADT? You have improved over the years but your web site, to this day, remains misleading. Stop the games and just do it right. Period. Noting it on another page buried in the Help Center doesn't cut it.

Your Contact Page says:

Here to help
Every day, 8:00am - Midnight, ET

Not true. Translation: Closed for several major holidays, like New Years Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day.  And you close early on Christmas Eve, New Years Eve etc.

I want to add SS associates do deserve holidays off. The issue is being up front with your customers with full transparency.

If you have changed your policy, then tell your customers that too.

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

3 years ago

Hi aesposto,

You might have already figured out, but you'll get warnings like that when a component fails to check in (which they all do regularly). The latest update to the Firmware should not have affected that (there were updates to the WiFi chip, but not the totally different local radio that links up your components). So our first guess is that coincidentally, something else that was recently introduced to your environment that is causing interference and prevent communication.

Interference can be caused by any combination of the following:
  • Dense physical objects - like brick walls or heavy appliances - that are directly in the way. So if you moved your Keypad or Base Station recently, the new position might not be optimal for communication.
  • Another wireless device drowning out the signal. Since the local wireless for the sensors is fairly low-frequency, you're looking for simpler devices like garage door opener remotes, or wireless weather stations.
  • Not as much of an impact, but if the Keypad is getting low on battery power, that could weaken the range a little bit. The closer you get to the expected 8-12 month battery life, the more likely this is.

If you're not getting a warning about any other components, then the rest of your system should still be fully functional. If you have App Controls enabled, you could even almost entirely go without a Keypad! But as the captain suggests, you'll still want to give our Support team a call at 800-548-9508 so we can troubleshoot and get that Keypad working.


There has in fact been a change in our Call Center's holiday hours - that is, we no longer close for those days, and staff accordingly. US Support is now available 365 days a year!

- Johnny M.
SimpliSafe Home Security



6.1K Messages

3 years ago

@Johnny M, thanks! This is indeed great news, better than I could have hoped for.  Your contact page now matches policy! Please make sure SS communicates this very positive action! Again, thank you. Have a great week.
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