‎How do you replace a SimpliSafe 3 key fob battery? You can't. | SimpliSafe Support Home
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Friday, January 26th, 2018 7:27 PM

How do you replace a SimpliSafe 3 key fob battery? You can't.

I've had the SS3 system now for almost a week. I've had a few issues along the way but for the most part have gotten them ironed out after a few shipments of replacement parts. However, I do have one outstanding question that hasn't been answered, what will be the process for replacing the battery in the SS3 key fob once it dies? I know it's covered under the warranty for 3 years, but after that time are users going to be required to spend $25 to get a new key fob that functions again?

I think although the new look of the key fob is great, the practicality of it is terrible since it's designed like an iPhone with an integrated battery. Since I'm tired of waiting on hold forever to speak with support and I imagine that there will be many other customer with this same question, I figured I would ask it hear publically.

Please answer this questions Simplisafe! Thank you.



6.1K Messages

7 years ago

@MarkCT, was already answered in another thread. Battery dies, you call SS and they ship a new one within the 3 year warranty.  Yes, design is not good for this.

41 Messages

@Captain11, I just spoke with someone there who claimed that even if it falls outside the 3 year warranty they would replace it. I asked him to confirm it and he put me on hold to speak with another supervisor and came back with the same story. I'm guessing they will redesign the fob at some point to avoid having to ship replacements out just for a dead battery.



6.1K Messages

7 years ago

Another policy of the moment.  Don't think someone in support is going to remember this thread or conversation 4 years from now. Note MarkCT, my cynicism is not towards you.

41 Messages

I completely agree with you. As I told the rep, they need to document this somewhere clearly. But based on how poorly the SS3 manual was, documentation is not their strong suit!



6.1K Messages

7 years ago

I actually thought the latest SS3 manual was better than those in the past. An online version can be continue to be updated and improved.

41 Messages

The SS3 manual was lacking a lot of info including where the panic buttons are located on the key fob and keypad and also some of the nuances of the control panel settings. I felt I learned a few things through trial and error.

1 Message

@captain11​ I agree.  They could use less black background pages.  Printing the manual wasted a lot of black ink.  I had to replace the ink cartridge to finish printing the manual.

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

@cdowns​ we wouldn't really have recommended printing your own. The PDFs that we have available on our site here are intended for digital screens (e.g. if you wanted to keep a copy on your computer).

If you need paper copies to replace the ones that came with your equipment, our Support team can mail them to you.

272 Messages

7 years ago

@MarkCT Thank you for the feedback regarding the manual and the Keyfob. We have passed this information to the appropriate source so that this issue can be resolved.

SimpliSafe Home Security

2 Messages

7 years ago

I have had my SimpliSafe system since 2014 and have been very happy with its performance to date. Recently, the keychain remote has stopped working and I wonder if there is a battery inside and if so, how do you replace it.
Thanks for you help........

1 Message

I just had a problem last night trying to set my alarm system  to "away".  My keychain remote did not do this.  I assumed the battery was dead, and once I figured out how to do this, on-line,  not in the manual, I put in a new battery.  That appeared not to work either.  We figured out that if you turned the key fob alarm OFF  first, which did work, then you could  engage the  AWAY. button.  As the alarm was already off when I first tried this, it does not really make much sense.  
We put  the old battery back in and found that in fact it was still good, I needed to turn if OFF first, then it would work in the AWAY setting. Something to try if your keychain remote appears not to work...



6.1K Messages

7 years ago

@richgin37. you can find the instructions below.


Simplisafe senior management: for the 99th time, this could have been averted (and possibly save a call into support, increase customer satisfaction etc) IF you had a website that wasn't state of the art 2002. For the sake of your assosicates and customers, please, get it in gear and do (notice action word) something about it.

Web dev/Marketing teams at SS: If you have time to update the home page with Chad's picture looking official working on a product, then you have time to make your website more useful to your customers.  Sorry  but we don't need more marketing on SS3, we need support tools and informational resources to benefit your call center and us, your customers.

1.2K Messages

7 years ago

Aye the iphone model!  Well, replacements while within warranty doesnt seem too awful.  How long did the batteries last in SS2?  I never used mine.  To many things on my key ring already.  We kept the key fob in the mast bedroom as a makeshift panic button.

5 years ago

Got to this thread because the battery in our new fob is already dead. Very disappointed to read they can't be changed in the new system. This is really environmentally irresponsible. Come on, SimpliSafe, get with the times.

186 Messages

It's covered under warranty, just ask them for a new one.

738 Messages

This is really environmentally irresponsible. Come on, SimpliSafe, get with the times.

The entire cellphone industry is the largest sector of the problem and needs to be called out before SimpliSafe. The ability to purchase a phone with a replaceable battery is becoming scarce. And it all has to do with profit. If you cannot change the battery, you have to purchase a new device. As Route 66 Guy stated, at least SimpliSafe replaces via warranty. And we are in the minority. Many customers do not use the Fobs, so the impact is far less detrimental to the environment.

It seems that replaceable batteries are becoming a thing of the past in many electronics.

738 Messages

5 years ago

The troubling part is that the Key Fob battery for billandchristine is already dead. SS3 was just released in 2018 so unless it is just a bad Fob, the battery life may not come close to as expected. As someone who used the Keychain Remotes with SS2 and currently utilizes the Key Fobs with SS3, I would hope for at least three years before replacement (even if that meant out of warranty purchase).

Who knows, it could be a production issue where those of us who use the Fobs soon find out the hard way, or, it might be just bad luck with their particular Fob. It is why I usually wait a while to upgrade electronics.

At least SimpliSafe stands by their warranty replacements so one will only be without them for as long as it takes them to ship the new ones out.

2.8K Messages

5 years ago

Shiherlis,  ditto on the cellphone battery fiasco.  Spend hundreds of dollars on a new phone, hope the damn battery lasts as long as the phone (of course it won't, and of course, the power level of the batteries is getting less and less...)

Greedy b's....absolutely.

18 Messages

agree with the cell phone battery issue.  Although I have yet to have a nonreplaceable battery fail before I upgrade my phone.  My last phone lasted me 4 years before I felt the need to upgrade and my current phone is in its third year and showing no sign of slowing down.  Current is a Samsung GS7 previous was a Motorola.

1 Message

5 years ago

I was able to replace the battery of our 3-key SS fob just now. I had to pry open (by just a bit, though) with a flat screw driver that end of the fob where the strap is attached. Next, there are 3 "latches" equally distributed on each side of the fob that lock the cover. You'll have to position your screwdriver somewhere in between these 3 latches. With a slight twist of the screwdriver, you should be able to un-snap the latches and pry open the sides of the fob.

The battery is the 2032-type.

Be sure to snugly re-position the red "cap" at the other end of the fob before snapping the cover back.

My 3-key SS fob is now working again. Am not sure though how long this fob will work. You could try this procedure with yours while waiting for the replacement fob you ordered.

Hope this helps.

5 years ago

Having been a customer for more than a decade, components on my original system were constantly failing.  Received new system and HORRIBLE!  One of the 4 door sensors lit up yellow and said "low battery' so I swapped it out from my car key fob to set it up without running out to the store.  Other two fine, last door sensor completely bad.  Have two types of key fobs, look identical to me, two are labeled different (all numbers no letters).  Called, on phone over 90 minutes after holding half an hour, girl was clueless then made up stuff.  Requested to speak to someone else, waited in silence another 20 minutes, she came back said that the other two "do more stuff'.  I asked her how?  What?  No additional options in setup?  Told me that it was a good question "she didn't know' but not to worry about it, the master ones have a panic button and the other ones don't.  It has been close to two hours, hung up and Googled it.  Still don't know.  I did learn they are expensive and you cannot replace the batteries.  SimpliSafe USED to be THE BEST, I am going to start looking for another company.  They have become cheap, greedy, don't care about their customers will always make you hold half an hour and hire complete and total idiots to answer the phone and don't have a clue as to what product they are selling.  I am amazed that the representative I spoke to was intelligent enough to find her way to work and back each day.  I know not everyone is cut out to answer even basic questions but I never fully appreciated just how clueless some people are in real life.  I don't know what to think, I am still in disbelief that they are even in business still with the caliber of people they hire.  Not the clueless agents fault, SimpliSafe's fault for BEING TOO CHEAP to hire qualified people!

1.3K Messages

Nice rant. But...

What I've deduced from many posts, more often than not, people buy SS because it is a DIY, relatively inexpensive, bang for the buck system. What they don't consider is such things often come at a cost in terms of features, development, and support.

2.8K Messages

5 years ago

For SS3, there is no 'master' keyfob, they are all the same. (SS2 has a master, because it has the usb, and extras you order do not, unless you lose your usb and need a new one).

And as far as I know, none of the SS3 keyfobs 'do more stuff' than another, whether you have 2, 3, 4....... maybe the rep assumed you have SS2 and thought you were asking about the usb?  

Oh, and all the SS3 keyfobs have panic buttons.  As for different "numbers", assuming you are referring to SS3 and to serial numbers that are entered into your system, they might be different due to different batches of a product, maybe.

1 Message

4 years ago

Since the key fob is supposedly disposable,  I decided to open in up from the bottom.  I pryed it open with a small flat screwdriver, the standard watch battery came out.  I replaced it and popped everything back together.  And it worked.  Not disposable after all.

2.2K Messages

4 years ago

Nice, but I suspect prying things apart which are not designed for that will eventually not stay together.  Then, having invalidated the warranty, you are SOL.

I'd say go ahead and get it replaced under warranty rather than messing with it.  Once SS refuses to replace it due to the warranty expiring, THEN by all means pry away.
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