‎Base station announces alarm off spontaneously | SimpliSafe Support Home
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Saturday, July 16th, 2022 5:37 PM

Base station announces alarm off spontaneously

This morning I have had the base station announce that the alarm has been shut off, without any input whatsoever - again.  It sends a text message and email to me that it was turned of using the remote (?).  It's a mystery to me.  This has repeatedly happened in the past also.


To make it more interesting, the base station has also announced spontaneously "Welcome to Simplisafe" a few times also.  Usually after it has announced that the system is disarmed.


Also, on occasion, the keypad will give the message that it is out of range from the base station.  I find this hard to believe as it is approximately 20 feet away from the base station and within line of sight.  Moving it closer has no effect and I have rebooted  to get it to work.  My Gen 1 system never had such a problem and it was nearly 60 ft between the keypad and Base station.

I have also had the Siren go offline spontaneously.  It is placed approximately 6 feet from the base station.  I have been able to re-add it into the system.


I hesitate to do a reboot the system again as it is a real PIA to have to re-add the sensors and I have to get out a ladder to reset some of the various sensors I have installed.  During reboots, I have had to do complete re-installs of all sensors.  Rebooting has not seemed to stop this from happening.


I am using a Comcast/Xfinity modem and router, so I am not sure if that is a factor.


Do I have a lemon?

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Community Admin


5.7K Messages

2 years ago

@Dockem ,

Please give our Support team a call at 800-548-9508 as soon as possible. We need to get a replacement for your Base Station right away.

"Keypad Out of Range" could be for any reason where the Keypad has lost contact with the Base Station, but in this case it's related to the sensor data being lost - it sounds like your Base Station is being wiped, and that includes the Keypad. The "Welcome to SimpliSafe" is an indicator that your Base Station is crashing and rebooting. So all of this is pointing to your Base Station being seriously defective. So we need to get you a new one right away.

The good news is that if you call earlier in the day, it might be possible for us to get the new unit out by the fastest shipping available (free of charge, of course). We could have your system back to normal by tomorrow.



6.1K Messages

2 years ago

@Dockem Fortunately, I have not experienced the issues you describe, however, for numerous reasons I have done a reboot of my base over the years and I have never, ever had to reinstall any sensors. That is not normal and indicates there is something terribly wrong with the base unit. Suggest you call SS as soon as possible and troubleshoot.

BTW, I stand corrected that I did experience the :"out of range" message with the keypad and change of batteries took care of it.

Please post your outcome if you get a chance.

10 Messages

2 years ago


Thanks for the reply.

Well, after setting up the system again yesterday and "refinding" all the sensors again, Lo and behold, the keypad said it was out of range again this morning and would not respond with base station.

Sooooo, pulled a keypad battery and it found the base station again (same distance as before) and then it wanted to setup the pin and wifi again, which I did.  Then I got on my Android app and all sensors were present, but the app wanted to refresh the base station. So I did, and guess what.  NO sensors detected save for the keypad.  All previously sensors are wiped.  I will have to add them all back in.

I definitely think I have a lemon.  I winter down in Florida and I can't afford to have a malfunctioning, rogue alarm system.

When I moved into this condo, it already had ADT installed and it is shut off now.  ADT surely CAN'T be this temperamental?  It's beginning to look more appealing.  I NEVER had problems like this with my Gen. 1 system!

BTW, interestingly, when I was online, I set it so the base station light would be off.  Yup, it's on now and I can't turn it off.  Also the base station keeps welcoming me to Simplisafe and that the alarm is off. 

(FYI, the base station is 3 ft from the Xfinity router/modem and the keypad is about 20 feet away by the entry door.)


PS: I took your advice and put new Duracells in the keypad.




6.1K Messages

@Dockem​ You just added a piece of information (unless I missed it in the first post, which if I did, I apologize!) about the location of your router/modem and the base station. If you are there where the sysetm is installed, please unplug it and put the base in another room, preferably a few rooms, away from the router. The router is most likely intefereing with the base signals. And please, if it continues, call SS to troubleshoot anf if necessary, replace the base, but I am betting the base location is the root of the issues.

As far as ADT, having been a formal customer of 10 years, I will never, ever go back to that pack of lying, untrustworthy poor excuse of a company.  I know you don't me, but I have many, many reasons to dislike that company, and have posted many of my stories on the the old SS forum platform many years since I have been a customer. If you do move the base, let me know how it goes...and if it still bombs, call SS.


10 Messages

2 years ago


Keypad out of range again this morning, grrr.

I'll give it a try moving the base station. I can't have this acting up like this when I'm out of town !

I am prepared to ditch the Comcast router/modem if need be.

TIA, fingers crossed.

10 Messages

2 years ago

Just went thru diagnostics with Support.  We'll see how it goes and if it stays stable.

10 Messages

2 years ago

Base station non-responsive again this morning.  I'll call Support again.

10 Messages

2 years ago

Rechecked base station with Support, they are sending out a new base station.

10 Messages

2 years ago

Have had a new Base Station for about a month now, works fine. Hoorah!

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