‎Poor to non-existent audio from SimpliSafe doorbell camera | SimpliSafe Support Home

Sunday, December 22nd, 2019 12:03 AM

Poor to non-existent audio from SimpliSafe doorbell camera

I recently purchased a SimpliSafe doorbell camera and the two-way audio is not working. I can hear random static like it is trying to get it across but with no success. I've made sure I have adequate bandwidth and WiFi signal and still no luck. Does anybody have any recommendations?


2 Messages

5 years ago

We just had this problem today. I ended up calling in and they suggested a hard restart (small button on the back) then put on the cradle, then soft restart ( bigger button on the back). It didnt work for us so they are shipping a new one. Fingers crossed!

3 Messages

I recently installed the SimpliSafe video ring doorbell and have exactly the opposite problem.  While holding down the mic button displayed at the bottom while looking at the video of a person at the door who rang the bell, I can talk to the person but cannot hear their reply.

3 Messages

5 years ago

had the same issue on one i set up today .    I can hear people on the porch just fine... but they cannot hear me.  just makes that blip of static like noise and then nothing.  frustrating.  Also, keeps dropping the WiFi signal and yet it says it has strong signal out there.
please keep us updated and will be calling them after Christmas but will first try the reset feature.

1 Message

5 years ago

Same problems here. Video is great but the audio was garbled from the doorbell unit. It works well to hear the person at the door but they cannot hear my replies.

3 Messages

5 years ago

We have the exact same problem!

That's several people in the same month and year - hmmm, wonder if a batch of them were poorly manufactured.

How long does one press the "Soft" reset, and how long for the smaller "Hard" reset button?

Soft is on the Left?
Hard button on the Right?

5 years ago

same problem here, they are sending me a new one. lets hope that works.

1 Message

5 years ago

Just got mine installed and am having the exact same issue.

1 Message

5 years ago

Just installed mine and have the same issue.  Garbled voice when listening from the doorbell outside - but voice on phone inside sounds fine.

2 Messages

5 years ago

was looking to buy the doorbell, and hoping the audio function worked better than it does with the cameras......   not feeling too warm and fuzzy about getting one.   :(

1 Message

5 years ago

I'm having the same problem with my doorbell. I can hear people from the doorbell but they can't hear me. All they hear is static. I bought mine at  BestBuy in December 2020. I'll be calling SimpliSafe today.

2 Messages

5 years ago

Same problem. They shipped me a new unit. Worse than before. It took days of trying before the camera would connect and after it did, same problem with the audio. Useless. I previously used a Ring doorbell unit and it worked flawlessly from day one. I wanted to use Simplisafe since I use the Simplisafe alarm and want to only pay one service fee to one company. I guess I picked the wrong company.

9 Messages

4 years ago

Did you try to restart it? It often helps in such situations. And is your Internet signal strong enough? Check these two things. But if they are fine, you may return your SimpliSafe doorbell camera. When did you buy it? Call them to discuss the return. They have the online support team I believe. I will check in my area https://dialcodes.co.uk/areacodes/01235. It can be also faulty, no doubt for so many comments.

4 years ago

I'm having this same problem. Called Simplisafe, and after almost an hour of troubleshooting and resets, they sent me a new unit. Just got it installed and it's doing the exact same thing. At this point I'm considering returning the whole kit and going with a different security system

1 Message

4 years ago

Same problem here. Person outside can not understand anything I say. I purchased a WiFi extender to get stronger signal but no improvement. Getting aggravated. Called customer support , they were so busy they said they would call me by the end of the day. Never heard from them.

3 Messages

4 years ago

more of the same.  Got a replacement unit from SS and it has the same issue as the original one.  Tried 2 iphones and 1 android in case it was the app.  Have a 200 down / 6 up connection and the alarm+cameras prioritized (QoS) on the router but their usage is minimal.

The other issue i am having is its motion detection range.  I can walk up to it and touch it before it detects me.  Thats with all m

1 Message

4 years ago

Having the same issue. Why hasn't SS done something or said something about this issue. This particular thread has been going for 3-4 months!
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