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Tuesday, December 19th, 2023 6:39 PM

Motion detection on outdoor camera

I have “People Only” selected for motion detection on my outdoor camera, yet I’m still getting notifications everything a leaf blows or a snowflake drops. Currently a red bow decoration hanging from a light on the garage is creating constant notifications when the wind blows, even though I have that area blocked off in the activity zone (bottom center of the preview). Am I doing something wrong here? I thought “people only” would only notify for people…

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9 months ago

Hi @tysonc, 

It might help to refresh the camera's software by performing a reset on it. You can do that by pressing the button in the back of the Outdoor Camera for 30 seconds. When you release, it will reboot, and you can reinstall it in the mobile app.

19 Messages

@emily_s​ I tried this. The camera made a ding sound after 30 seconds but did not remove itself from the app. Is it suppose to? My outdoor camera is directly wired as well. How can I tell if the reset was performed correctly? Software ver

19 Messages

@emily_s​ so I did the reset. It didn’t work quite the way you described but I figured it out. I noticed the software version backed down to 1.18 or something like that and bingo, it started working again. It would only notify for people and within the zone I defined. However the other day I noticed I started getting a ton of false notifications again. Snow flakes, leaves, headlight shadows on the lawn all would trigger the motion notifications again. Sure enough, the outdoor camera had updated its software version back to the latest 1.20. So I’m thinking it’s an issue with the latest software. I’ve come across several other similar threads on Reddit too. Any update on a fix for this? Getting 15 notifications an hour is rather annoying to the point of shutting it off, which defeats the whole purpose of even having it. 

Mine is also tripping on snowflakes. Not all of them, just certain ones, it appears. It is running

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@tysonc​ and @davebrightleaf - Yes, we do currently have a known issue where the Outdoor Camera has been recording when there is no motion there, or, seemingly in your case, outside of your set motion zones. 

Our engineers have located the root issue of this problem and they are working on a fix that will come in an upcoming firmware update, but I unfortunately I do not have a timeline on when it will be ready to roll out.

19 Messages

@emily_s​ tonight in Wisconsin it is snowing. Do you know what that means? It means I have literally received over 150 “people” motion notifications in the last hour. This is absolutely ludicrous. I imagine the engineers and developers there always have a backup plan where the software can be force-downgraded (to v1.18 which had no issues) but it baffles me why nothing has been done and this issue was brought up nearly 30 days ago. Simply turning the motion alerts off renders the camera useless. I think we all deserve a concrete solution plan, a resolution ETA, and a progressive plan forward. If this were any other company, the service line agreement would have been breached weeks ago. I am extremely disappointed, and unfortunately I’m usually one that defends Simplisafe on Reddit and other user forums. I think we’re all tired of waiting for work arounds, and waiting to see what will break next. I know I’m tired of my phone vibrating every 5 seconds at 9:30 on a Thursday night. I refuse to accept turning the notifications off as a solution since that is its purpose. To that end, we might as well just unplug the camera. 

I think we would all appreciate a detailed response on the situation, a resolution eta, and a path forward. There are a lot of disappointed customers out there. And unfortunately I count myself as one of them. Thank you. 

4 Messages

8 months ago

I called with the same problem.  Found a Great support rep that cleared this up for me.  He had me block out all trigger boxes.  He then reset something on his end.  Told me to block out all squares except for four, my choice.  I did so and issue was resolved.  This may be a workaround until a solid fix.

19 Messages

@spetro​ Odd. Any idea what he reset? So you have a case number others can reference when we call in?

4 Messages

No sorry once it was resolved, didn't need to get a case number.  Didn't even consider it until I read this sensitivity problem here.

Edit:  Maybe emily_s will see this and help out with details.


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@spetro​ Our engineers did just notify us of some settings changes that you can apply to your cameras experiencing this until the fix begins to roll out. They recommend:

  • Changing your camera’s motion detection setting to All Motion
  • If you have Activity Zones set up, adjust them to also block off the zones around the image that your camera is detecting
  • Turn your camera’s sensitivity down to Medium or Low

5 Messages

“If you have Activity Zones set up, adjust them to also block off the zones around the image that your camera is detecting”

Really? My camera seems to be in random phantom detection mode. How would I know what to block if i don’t know what it’s detecting? No, cars, no animals, no snowflakes, no dust particles and no people in any of my saved ‘detected’ videos. Please please fix it, NOW! I worked my last  20 years of my career in software and I would have been fired along with my team for how simplisafe is handling this.

I didn’t have this problem when I first installed the camera, only after the last update. Have you ever heard of rolling back software when something this bad happens. And how are new versions tested? Alpha, beta, customer pre-release? Come on simplisafe. Don’t make me come out of retirement to get this corrected for your customer base, whatever might remain. 

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