‎Is there a way to delete the timeline | SimpliSafe Support Home

Wednesday, June 30th, 2021 11:05 AM

Is there a way to delete the timeline

My phones storage is getting full. I would like to delete all the videos in my 'timeline' but can't find a way to accomplish this. Any suggestions?

[deleted email address]

Official Solution

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

4 years ago

Hi hebegb2,

Yes, videos on your Timeline are stored only for 30 days (each) and are automatically deleted. But as the Captain says, recorded videos are stored in 'the cloud'; that is, they live in our website, not your phone. So unless you downloaded those videos to your phone, they won't count against your phone's storage.

- Johnny M.
SimpliSafe Home Security

2 Messages

@davey_d​   why are they stored for 30 days? Why can’t the homeowner delete them? 
I feel like it’s an invasion of privacy. Are the employees from Simplisafe able to view them?

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

@justlovefishing​ to be clear, all recordings from SimpliSafe cameras are stored in the cloud. Those videos stay on your account for 30 days, before they're deleted automatically.

For context, our last reply there was from a year ago. We have since added functionality where the user can delete videos manually before the 30 days are up.

And no, videos are encrypted both in transit and while in storage. No SimpliSafe employees are able to access recordings or live feeds without your permission.


1 Message

Please include a bulk delete function.



6.3K Messages

4 years ago

@ hebegb2 unless you have manually downloaded videos, they are not on your phone. Also, for the actual timeline, SS only keeps a certain number of days in the app by default. Unfortnately, I do not remmeber the # of days.

3 Messages

3 years ago

I understand the storage and deleting of videos, but is there any way when I'm logged in with home PC to delete any of the actual Timeline entries or do these eventually delete themselves?

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

@YumaSS​ yes, individual events cannot be removed. 

754 Messages


Timeline entries such as "entry sensor opened" or "camera motion detected" a) cannot be deleted and b) last for a long time, possibly forever (I just scrolled back to July of 2021 and the entries are still there)

Videos recorded by your cameras which are attached to timeline entries a) can be deleted and b) are automatically deleted 30 day after they are created

Please note that if you delete the video recording attached to a timeline entry, the video will be gone (I get a thumbnail saying "video removed" where the video would normally be) but the timeline entry "camera motion detected" will remain.

Does that make sense?

@davey_d  - Please add this to the list of "things that should be in a support article"

3 Messages

2 years ago

That's BS. You should be able to clear your timeline of 'events' and videos with about 4 steps. And you should be able to clear the Apps icon of number of notifications easily. That's the number in the red dot on the shortcut on your phone.

I just started to set up this system. And of course I'm getting LOTs  of video and notifications. You should be able to wipe them out with two or three steps. Totally bad design.

3 Messages

2 years ago

And even with the system off, the outside cameras continue to record and give warnings. OFF should be OFF.

2 Messages

@dstewartpare​  I agree 💯%

3 Messages

2 years ago

What if I have kids coming or going, or a party on my deck. It's going to record every movement even in the so called 'off' mode. Ridiculous.

754 Messages


You can disable notifications on the camera and then turn them back on. (Which is completely independent of the status of the alarm) It's not ideal and I'm not defending them but it's your only option for now other than to just ignore them, set your phone to mute them for xx amount of time, etc.

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