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Tuesday, April 4th, 2023 1:49 AM

Indoor Camera Recording After Disarm from Home

Is there any way at all to disable the 'feature' that the indoor cameras open their shutters and record video upon disarming the system from Home mode?

I tried searching for this and I only came up with posts that this is how it works by default, not any way to defeat it.

I have a camera right outside the master bedroom (where the keypad is) that points at an outside door that I use to take the dog out early in the morning to do his thing, and am usually half naked; I don't like disarming the system and then having a camera record these shenanigans!

Is there no way to disable this function?

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2 years ago

@peavynation at this time, no. As long as the camera is associated with your alarm system, it will respond to those events.

But please don't worry, we believe that privacy goes hand-in-hand with security. Your videos are encrypted both in transit and at rest, so they're locked down and not accessible by anyone (not even SimpliSafe staff!) without your permission. And of course, you can remove videos from your Timeline at any time with the SimpliSafe app.

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Thanks for the prompt response @davey_d !  Please keep this in mind for a future feature, to allow the user to be able to enable/disable this function when disarming from 'Home'.  For 'Away', I agree that anything and everything should go active!

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@davey_d​ Please please change this and allow it to be an option!! I am clearly not the only person who wants this option as I have seen many, many similar posts, and every response is the same: it’s just not a thing. It seems unfair to the customer to not allow us to complete customize the system to our comfort. I don’t really care if no one can see the videos but me, it still makes me extremely uncomfortable. I don’t like feeling “watched” (again, even though I know no one is watching me, I just don’t like the open camera on me). Please listen to your customers and change it! 

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If someone really cares enough to make sure the person disarming is actually them, then fine, they can turn that on. The rest of us DO NOT want it!! 

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@davey_d​ This feature needs to be optional. One very good reason is that when we travel, we have trusted friends who house-sit. I don’t want to see a video clip of them in their underwear disarming the system. And they definitely don’t. You should run this by legal. 

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@wtindall​ I agree with you and all of the other customers who would like to have an option to disable this feature. I don’t need a camera recording when I disarm it. 

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2 years ago

—> Indoor cameras that record when you are home is not a good thing!  <—- I have the same issue.  When disarming at home and being RECORDED walking through the dining room in less than appropriate clothing is very unnerving! It doesn’t matter that Simplisafe Employees won’t see it - it’s that fact the there is a recording of me AT HOME saved in the digital world.  Plus, if I’m showing someone else a timeline of videos, I don’t want to them to wish they hadn’t seen something.  This is a BIG deal and should be changed!  The solution is to have the cameras only record when disarming from Away mode.  They should never record when disarming from Home mode.

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SimpliSafe team PLEASE address this feature and remove the indoor camera feature that records disarming. My camera isn’t even in the same room as the keypad! This make me extremely uncomfortable and I will likely take down the entire system rather than have this camera keep flipping on. 

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I was surprised to find this out myself.  I believe this is a good thing when changing the alarm from away but definitely not from home.  

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Really??? This is how the indoor smart camera is suppose to work at disarm from HOME to OFF? Recording the homeowner (naked or not) upon moving from HOME to OFF? I don’t think so. The camera should NOT have taken any action whatsoever. Period. Nobody cares about encryption of a said video in the OFF mode. It shouldn’t be ON to begin with! This camera process makes people (owners and subscribers) uncomfortable, then it’s NOT security. It’s insecurity! As you can read, people do NOT like it, as it clearly IS making people uncomfortable. As you can see from my post count, I’m new to SimpliSafe. I wish I had seen this problem before I purchased this product.  I installed the camera last night and as of this morning, I’ve uninstalled the camera. There is a huge difference in basically stating, and I paraphrase, “This is how it works and that’s the way it is” vs. “We need to prioritize fixing this…it’s a REAL issue with our customers we’re helping to protect and it makes them uncomfortable”. It could be a problem. Wow!!!

Soooo…in short, Fix it!!! Pull the camera until you do. Is that so hard to do? No, it’s not. SimpliSafe needs to run this issue inward and upward and fix it. If not, the entire system gets removed from premise. You’d rather potentially lose customers than address and fix this problem? I’m shocked your legal department thought this was a good idea and approved this camera process for release. Nobody wants to wake-up and find themselves being recorded when the system is supposed to be off and inactive. The camera invokes distrust. I don’t care if the video is local only, encrypted, or whether you can see the footage or not. The disarm process (HOME to OFF) of this camera integration is wrong. So SimpliSafe… what will it take for you to fix this problem?

1 Message

I most certainly agree with wbmp. This issue needs to be addressed.

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@mclevelandcom​ exactly. it’s the concept of it existing in the digital world, whether anyone sees it or not. besides, these big companies get hacked or compromised ALL. THE. TIME. i don’t care how safe they say my data is!! it’s just not! and that’s a VERY unnerving thought. and no, i will not be changing from my PJs into full clothing JUST to let my dog out first thing in the AM. 

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7 months ago

I most certainly agree with wbmp as well. This issue needs to be addressed or I will be cancelling my subscription. 

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7 months ago

We as customers hold the power. If we all start canceling our subscriptions that’s when we’ll begin to get results. There is power in unity. 

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5 months ago

I would like to hear the explanation as to what the purpose of recording is when the alarm has been disarmed. I too believe that this should be a feature that can be removed/turned off by the homeowner. 

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5 months ago

Well apparently SS doesn't give a rats a** about any of this!  This thread has been going on for over 2 years with NO interaction from anyone from SS.  

I was hoping to find some information on this problem as well but I see that it's something they have no interest in fixing.

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5 months ago

My camera sits on a table near the keypad. In the morning, I turn the camera around then disarm the system. The camera takes a nice video of the back of the couch. I understand the logic of taking the video, but it would be nice if it was configurable for those who don’t want it.

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5 months ago

Agreed. Like everyone has stated, I understand Simplisafe’s logic to a degree, but there is simply no reason to capture a video of the “non-threatening” homeowner inside his or her home upon disarming from HOME to OFF. One should not have to alter a camera view (like turning a camera around to capture a blank wall) before disarming your system from HOME to OFF. Remember, at the decision tree point to disarm from HOME (external perimeter protection armed) to system OFF (every aspect of the system is disarmed) there shouldn’t be any active inside threats. So why is SimpliSafe having the need to record? It is my belief, SimpliSafe owes its customers a written explanation as to why they do this. If they can’t or won’t provide a solid explanation as to the “why”, then it’s up to us, the customer, to keep the pressure on for solid answers, but this disarming process should be made to be configurable by the end-user homeowner. Unfortunately, SimpliSafe communicating this is the way the camera process works is at best, faulty on their part. Communicating this process can’t be changed with either firmware or software or both is frankly nonsense. And if it really, truly, can’t be made to be end-user configurable and it’s a limitation flaw in design architecture or programming it will cost money to resolve. Oops.

Now, if there is already a threat residing inside your home to the level of standing behind you (against your will) at the point of disarming the perimeter (HOME to OFF) at the keypad, you have a much bigger problem only you can resolve, but you do have some options, like entering the silent panic mode (red button) or entering the wrong passcode or providing the wrong password, if using their monitoring service. In this case, when the inside “friend” suddenly becomes your inside “foe”, the camera engaging may be helpful. However, from a legitimate secure action plan and logical standpoint though, why would a person allow for such a scenario? You wouldn’t. You arm (OFF to HOME) engaging the “smart” internal camera and external perimeter protection before turning in for the evening, thus no internal threats should be within your domain. In other words, who lives in your safe environment? Friend or Foe? Right?! Friends…so there is no need for the system to activate the camera at disarm the following morning.

Again, this is something which could be debated endlessly. On the surface, I still believe this should be a configurable option for the homeowner. I hope SimpliSafe takes a serious look at this and works towards providing an option acceptable to its customer base. Nothing is perfect. I get it, but this issue can be improved upon and resolved which meets everyone’s needs. As always, perform your due diligence when protecting oneself and your environment, especially home.

I’m now moving into the seventh month of system ownership with this issue (bug, defect, oversight, design flaw, etc) however or whatever you want to call it, and it still isn’t a priority for SimpliSafe to seriously tackle. I’ve spoken to many levels of expertise personnel within their organization and it’s described as “just the way it works”. Customer involvement is crucial and needed for changes to occur.

In closing, I appreciate everyone’s feedback of their experience with the indoor smart camera.

I encourage everyone experiencing this “Recording Activation” issue (during HOME to OFF”) with the inside smart camera to keep your voices heard! Hopefully, we can collectively cause an improved change, instead of receiving a recurring boilerplate answer.

Thank you.

All the best.


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5 months ago

I observed this first hand while visiting my parents in Washington. They disarmed the cameras and turns everything off while we're inside the home. Throughout the evening we observed cameras coming on and recording us as we move from room to room. We made sure we had turned everything off but the cameras kept recording. I guarantee you, I will never have one of these systems in my home!

5 months ago

Off should mean Off!   Ongoing  recordings when the system is disarmed while the privacy shutter is closed, and motion sensor  turned off!!

What am I missing?

SimpliSafe, when will you correct this issue?   Please advise as I only have 44 days left of my 60 day customer return guarantee window.

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Thanks for adding your SimpliSafe complaint and question to this ongoing post. Once close to your return window, I recommend you return the system and get your refund. Seven months of system use, complaining to and speaking with multiple levels within SimpliSafe Tech Support, has not gotten me anywhere closer to a solution for this problem. I do not believe they are going to do anything about it.

If you do decide to shutdown and return your system, please be sure you communicate to SimpliSafe this reason for your discontinuation and return.

I will be working on returning the camera for refund from SimpliSafe or reselling my system altogether. Right now, my internal “smart” camera serves as a paperweight. I will not re-incorporate the device back into the active system until they provide an acceptable solution for the customer base.

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4 months ago

Damn right, the camera should not record when disabling from home mode.  FIX IT!!!!!

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16 days ago

Completely agreed that this feature needs to be added. I’m shocked that this was requested 2 years ago and still has not been addressed.  SimpliSafe, why is this being ignored?

1 Message

Simplisafe. Please fix it so we have full control when the cameras start recording. I think there are enough people asking the feature. I don’t see much improvement lately to the products. This should be a simple thing to add and make a lot of customers satisfied. I’m not sure how much longer I can wait.

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