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Tuesday, August 31st, 2021 11:26 PM

How are cameras in order in the app?

So how are cameras ordered in the app? It appears that they're in order by group and then alphabetical within group (and case matters) but I just want this confirmed.

I did a bunch of testing making changes to my camera names and no matter what I named them my Video Doorbell Pro was always first in the list followed by my 3x SimpliCams and the SimpliCams were in alphabetical order below the Video Doorbell Pro. Oh and it views upper case and lower case differently and puts upper case letters ahead of lower case letters. So you get results like this:

- Test  01

Living Room

- Test 02

aLiving Room

- Test 03

ALiving Room

Am I capturing this accurately? And if so, where does the Outdoor camera "group" fit into the hierarchy in relationship to the Video Doorbell Pros and the SimpliCams?



6.1K Messages

3 years ago

@Worthing if I remember the post correctly (which is definitely a possiblity) its first installed, first shown and  more than a few customers asking for the ability to do a custom sort.

725 Messages

3 years ago


It's not, at least on Android, related to install order - if you change your camera names and refresh the app, the order in which they appear changes. (I've tested this multiple times now) I'm 99.9% sure I've captured it correctly above but I want confirmation from SS and to know where the Outdoor cameras come in.

175 Messages

3 years ago

mine are alphabetical except for the doorbell.... that's first....

725 Messages

3 years ago


Thanks for checking and providing feedback.

29 Messages

2 years ago

It seems that they are in groups by camera type, then alphabetical.  Doorbell camera is first, followed by indoor cameras, then outdoor cameras.  I was able to put them in the order I wanted by adding the number order before the camera name (i.e. 1. Garage, 2. Back door, etc).  But it still groups them by camera type first.  It would be ideal to be able to order these even more precisely. 

5 Messages

I am with you on this. I've wanted to change the display order since day one, and I've submitted this issue many times. Especially now - I just got the new wireless indoor smart alarm camera, and guess what... It is the LAST type to be displayed. This should get fixed immediately. The fact that there is no customizability in ordering the cameras is a HUGE oversight. Hopefully, someone on the development team realizes this issue and makes a change!


725 Messages

2 years ago

I want to thank the community for replying with their feedback since SimpliSafe couldn't be bothered to reply to my question in the last 18 months. 

1 Message

That’s really unfortunate.

As a professional web and app developer myself I can personally say that adding a custom sort feature to this list is

1.) a basic feature that should have been implemented from the beginning and

2.) does not take a lot of skills in regards to app development.

Makes me wonder if they just don’t know how? Or if they are just being lazy because they don’t see the value in the feature and therefore are showing us that they don’t value our feedback? Either way it’s a shame.

Don’t even get me started on the fact that SimpliSafe made a public announcement like 6 years ago saying they would add support for HomeKit and they haven’t… 

I made it work with a RaspberryPi running Homebridge but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

Heres the video where Chad Laurans, founder of SS says that HomeKit integration is coming “this year”. Checkout timecode 2 min, 10 sec: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dUwOvrxzmOI

Also this forum: https://support.simplisafe.com/conversations/product-requests-and-suggestions/homekit-compatibility/6190c6448ea41ebb061fdb85

To me this is just another example of them not doing what they say will do / should do. 

But don’t get me wrong. I still like Simplisafe and I’ll keep using them. I guess that’s why they don’t care enough to hear us out! 😂

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