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Saturday, December 8th, 2018 2:28 AM

Doorbell Micro USB Port

Anyone know what the micro USB port on the backside of the doorbell is used for? From what I can tell, the doorbell has to be hard wired, so I'm a little curious as to why any sort of, what appears to be, charging port would be included.

Community Admin


5.7K Messages

6 years ago

Hi sarapasquale,

That USB port is an alternate way to power the Video Doorbell Pro. However, you'll notice that the current mounting bracket doesn't quite accommodate it. Also, without being connected to an existing doorbell, the Video Doorbell Pro will not be able to produce an audible doorbell sound - it will only be able to send notifications and recordings through your WiFi.


Are you saying that there has to be an actual existing doorbell chime for this to actually be a doorbell? Does the central console not work as the bell? I'm in the process of wiring this thing up because I didn't have a doorbell previously (simplisafe gives absolutely no instruction on what's required for their system) so I'm going from scratch here...
So far, I've got the system in place and I'm installing the transformer (8-24V multi because simplisafe doesn't specify whether it's 16 or 24) to power it.
I do not have an actual old doorbell chime, will I need one of those too??!

15 Messages

If it powers it, then why, while plugged into a USB port, does it now complain that the power has reached 30%?

6 Messages

6 years ago

Please also see my post https://simplisafe.com/forum/customer-support-forum/installing-and-using-simplisafe/doorbell-notification-camera-

When using the USB port, I get a constant "battery below 30%" notification... So it looks as if can't be used for powering without issues

Speaking of which:does the doorbell even have a battery backup inside?



6.1K Messages

6 years ago

@cinziaborgo, don't know about the usb port but, yes, the video db has a battery backup in it.

6 Messages

6 years ago

Thanks for you answer. If that's the case, either my Doorbell Pro is not working properly, or the USB port does not charge the battery (which would be a very poor design)

Out of curiosity: the documentation on the Doorbell Pro is non-existent, where can I find more about the backup battery (type, how to replace it, etc). A non -user replaceable battery on a device exposed to the elements would be a rather poor design

2.2K Messages

6 years ago

I wonder if you start with a fully charged battery and power it via USB, whether the internal battery would discharge.

If the battery fails within 3 years, it can be replaced under warranty.  Longer than 3 years, they may replace it or may require the order of a new one, on a case by case basis.

6 Messages

6 years ago

For what is worth, the error went away as soon as I powered it thru the doorbell terminals. What a weird design...

197 Messages

6 years ago

I connected my doorbell with the micro usb port on Friday and it's been working fine since then.  I did get one "battery below 30%" notification on Monday morning, but none since then.  

I'm assuming that everything is working fine and the doorbell is getting enough power since I've not gotten the notification.

Do we know how long the battery will last without power?

3 Messages

5 years ago

Awesome.  Now I have a second problem with Simplisafe equipment.  I hooked up the doorbell just like normal.  Disconnected the wires to the old bell and connected them to the new button.  Everything seemed to be working fine except now I get an error message saying the battery is below 30%.

I'm assuming the power wires to the bell also charge the battery, but there is no way to tell because your literature is useless.  I see a port for a USB plug, which allegedly powers the camera (mdolfan's comments not withstanding) but who has a USB line going to a doorbell

197 Messages

5 years ago

Just to followup.  My doorbell worked for almost a month with no problems.  Then about a week or so ago, I began getting the "battery below 30%" notification every few minutes.  It was so annoying that I finally had to disconnect it.  I called SimpliSafe and they said that the micro usb was not designed to power the doorbell long-term.   This seems to contradict this post:

"That USB port is an alternate way to power the Video Doorbell Pro. However, you'll notice that the current mounting bracket doesn't quite accommodate it. Also, without being connected to an existing doorbell, the Video Doorbell Pro will not be able to produce an audible doorbell sound - it will only be able to send notifications and recordings through your WiFi."

Johnny M.
SimpliSafe Home Security


5 years ago

By the post, we can see how it is being implemented and what are the issue that the users have to face and the micro USB issue is also happening from past few days and it needs to be fixed. I am not being able to access the outlook through micro USB and having outlook 0x8004010f

1.3K Messages

5 years ago

Yeah, it serves as a camera and as the push button for an existing doorbell system. It does not cause the SS system to act as a doorbell.

1.3K Messages

5 years ago

It would seem either the USB power supply is too small to keep the battery charged and operate the camera (which could be fixed with a higher capacity charger/power supply if the case), or the USB system within the camera simply cant keep up the battery and operate the camera. If the latter case then not much you can do short of connecting it to a doorbell system as intended, or seek some other remedy from SS.

4 years ago

I've been through all of this. The SS Pro fried two transformers. Long story short, I bought an Ohmkat adapter and plugged it into the outdoor outlet below the doorbell and resigned to the fact that I would have to rely on my phone to ping when someone rang the doorbell. Ok. Worked fine for about a month and then the 30% battery thing started. Then it went offline. I had to reset it and re-add to the network twice. I'm crossing my fingers on the second time now.

To the notion that the USB route doesn't sufficiently charge whatever kind of battery might be in there, none of that makes sense anymore than power from an outlet through an adapter not doing the same.

I've got a legacy SS system purchased in 2014. I WILL NOT be upgrading to their latest or anyone further in the future. There are too many other systems out there now. Frustrated once, shame on you. Frustrated twice......

197 Messages

4 years ago

Ohmkat does have a wireless doorbell that you can plug in anywhere you have an outlet.  That way you don't have to rely on just your phone.

4 Messages

4 years ago

I was told by customer support that "That USB port is an alternate way to power the Video Doorbell Pro", at the factory, for testing.  I've got a few locations outside that a doorbell powered by a transformer only would be perfect. Don't care about chimes. Wish the USB would work though.
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