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Monday, September 27th, 2021 5:44 PM

Wireless Outdoor Camera Solar Panel Available Now

Hey folks,

Just wanted to give you a heads up that the Wireless Outdoor Camera's Solar Panel accessory is available from our Sensors page right now! It plugs directly into your Outdoor Camera, providing continuous charge with only 3 hours of direct sunlight per day. Of course, it's also weather resistant, mounts permanently and charges in under three hours of direct sunlight per day. The unit also includes a 13' cable for convenient mounting. Check it out here.



6.3K Messages

3 years ago

It appears the link needs to be updated

754 Messages

3 years ago

Is there a SimpliSafe page that lists details and specs on this product? If so, where can I find it? If not, I have comments/questions:

- Please add such a page. For all of your products. Many of us want to look up details and specs. We want to find the manuals on line. We don't want to have to look up specs on other websites.

- Are the specs/details at https://www.bestbuy.com/site/simplisafe-outdoor-camera-solar-panel-white/6475658.p?skuId=6475658 accurate?

- Did you mean to say 13" or 13' in your description? I sincerely hope it's 13'...

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3 years ago


The solar panel is intended for installing right next to the camera, so it would be 13 inches. Our Help Center page on installation has a picture of it already installed.
And we don't have detailed page for the Solar Panel right now. I'll suggest it to our website team.

- Johnny M.
SimpliSafe Home Security

2 years ago

The second picture on your link to ‘Help Center page on installation’, below Para 4 shows many loops of cable round the solar panel support. Much more than 13”. It looks more like 13’

2 Messages

11 months ago

I was unable to locate the original comment regarding how to mount the SimpliSafe solar panel on aluminum siding. After spending months researching I think I found a possible solution and wanted to share with others who expressed frustration at not being able to mount the panel.  Amazon sells,

NACETURE Vinyl Siding Hooks 6 Pack - Vinyl Siding Clips for Hanging Outdoor Decorations for Patio - Heavy Duty No-Hole Needed Stainless Steel Clips . There is a video on Youtube if you need to see how it works,


I hope this helps.

1 Message

11 months ago

This is the most useless website for such a great product! I want to order accessories not build a system. So hard to find what you need I might not buy it! 

1.1K Messages

@zupo28​ in the app you can order stuff from there but if you want some 3rd party accessories that simplisafe does not make just go on Amazon and I believe another is called itsy or something like that and you will find a bunch of cool accessories for simplisafe products. 

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3.4K Messages

@zupo28​ If you visit this page on our website, and then click "Expand your SimpliSafe System Gen 3" on the left, you will be able to select the accessories you want, like the Solar Panel.

And as lance843 mentioned, you can purchase additional SimpliSafe devices in the SimpliSafe mobile app by going to the three-bar menu on the top left corner > Shop Sensors

56 Messages

@emily_s​   What is the diameter of the base used to install the solar panel?  The part that screws into the wall.  I need to know the size to see if it will fit on the window frame where I want to install it (I don't want to drill into stucco on the side of my house).

Thanks in advance. 

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3.4K Messages

Hi @Pack​, 

The diameter of the Solar Panel's base is 2 inches. 

56 Messages

@emily_s​   Thank you!

1 Message

6 months ago

I have purchased this accessory. The camera is only 3 ft. away from the solar panel. 

What can I do to shorten the cable? Can it be cut and spliced back together?

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3.4K Messages

@michaeljmaconWe recommend securing the excess cable in the same way that Dlpsr did in the picture provided. You can wrap any of the extra cable around the base of the Solar Panel, and then use its included cable management velcro sleeve to secure it in place.

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