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Wednesday, October 5th, 2022 1:57 PM

Motion sensor set off my alarm this morning

I have now had this system for going on four years.  In all of that time, I haven't done anything other than adding more sensors and it's been a few years since I did that.  The only false alarm I have had is an entry sensor falling off of a window in the basement a couple of years ago  This morning the motion sensor in my home office went off for absolutely no reason.  I have a keypad in my bedroom and was able to shut it off before I got a call but it is a little panic inducing to look at the notification and see that it was a motion sensor that went off.

I have no idea what could have caused this.  I have no pets.  None of the equipment in my office has changed in forever.  Does this mean that it is starting to fail?

I set the motion sensor to Secret Alert so that I can watch it.  And I ordered a glass break sensor to put up in the office.  I already have entry sensors on both windows and the only reason I had the motion sensor was to catch someone who broke a window to get in or someone who managed to get in to the house through some other point and went to the office to steal something.  It's sad that I had to buy a different sensor to keep secure.

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2 years ago

@usmaak ,

I know you're a SimpliSafe veteran, so I'm glad to you're already on the right track for troubleshooting - including setting that sensor to Secret Alert. For anyone else reading, that sets the sensor so that when it's triggered, it will only send a Push notification, and won't generate an alarm. It's a great idea for troubleshooting false alarms.

I definitely would not jump to saying that you're having a system-wide issue, and start with troubleshooting just that one sensor. You were saying this sensor hasn't been moved in a while? You'll want to observe what is within view of that sensor - anything that generates heat, especially if it can move around, could be a possible trigger. It could even be a bug, if it can get up close enough, and if it was hot enough in contrast with the rest of the room.

But I would also say that it's not at all a bad thing to add even more layers of protection. That Glassbreak Sensor can only help with making your home more secure!

343 Messages

2 years ago

My office has not changed one bit in the eight years I have been here. I have two computers, four monitors, a printer, and some networking equipment. It’s been the exact same equipment in the exact same places the entire time. And like I said, no pets. 

I am not inclined to do much troubleshooting of this issue. I am likely one more instance of being woken out of a sound sleep by an alarm blaring from a full on heart attack. I am much more likely to throw that motion sensor in the trash and just rely on the entry and glass break sensors. 

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5.7K Messages

@usmaak​ I hear you. It's just that the Motion Sensor is super simple, and the only way to trigger it is by some sort of heat coming into view. We could maybe chalk it up to a defect or a miscalibration if this was a newly installed sensor, but not one that's been there for a while. But otherwise, there must have been something there.

By the way, the printer you have - is it a laserjet? The printer firing up periodically might generate enough heat to be a problem (especially in a cold room). I've encountered that a couple of times with other customers. It might just be up to random chance that it finally heated up enough while you had the system armed.

I would say that you could maybe keep the sensor up, in Secret Alert mode, for a while to keep an eye on it. But after that, maybe lower the sensitivity (if you've haven't already).

343 Messages

Yup. It is a laser jet. I actually have three laser printers in there. They have always been there. I will watch it for a while. Maybe it won’t be a problem with reduced sensitivity. I do think that between the glass break and the entry sensors on the windows that I am likely covered. I could just decommission the motion sensor. I got four good years out of it. Might just be time to get rid of it. 

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