‎How to Reset Your Smart Alarm Wireless Indoor Security Camera | SimpliSafe Support Home

How to Reset Your Smart Alarm Wireless Indoor Security Camera


If your Smart Alarm Wireless Indoor Security Camera encounters an error that can’t be fixed through normal troubleshooting, resetting the camera to its factory settings may help.

Step 1: Remove the Camera From Your System

To reset your Smart Alarm Indoor Camera, we first recommend that you remove your camera from your system, if applicable. You can remove your camera from within the SimpliSafe® Mobile App using the following steps:

  1. Go to the Cameras tab at the bottom of the SimpliSafe® Mobile App

  2. Tap the gear icon in the top right corner of the app

  3. Select your camera

  4. Choose 'Remove Camera' at the bottom of the screen

  5. Tap 'Yes' to remove the camera from your system

If you are seeing an error message within the SimpliSafe® Mobile App that says Unfinished Setup, you’ll need to remove this camera from the Keypad before proceeding.

  1. Press the Menu button on your Keypad

  2. Enter your Primary PIN

  3. Scroll to devices and press Open on the right

  4. Scroll down and locate the camera in question

  5. Select your camera by pressing the arrow to the right

  6. Choose Remove by pressing the arrow to the right to delete this camera from your system

Step 2: Resetting Your Smart Alarm Indoor Camera

After your camera has been removed from your system (if applicable) you can now reset the camera.

  1. Press the tiny pinhole button on the Smart Alarm Indoor Camera for 2 seconds using a small item like the tip of a pen or a paperclip

    1. The pinhole reset is located behind the setup button on the top of the camera (see image below)
      View of Smart Alarm Indoor Camera highlighting the top of the camera's pinhole reset button (smaller button) and Setup Button (the larger of the two)

  2. Press and hold the Setup Button (the larger button on top of the camera) until the camera chimes, or about ~30 seconds.

    1. Your camera should return to a flashing white status after performing this step. If there is no light at all, we recommend charging the battery and repeating these steps again at a later time

  3. Once the camera is flashing white again, you can start the installation process for your Smart Alarm indoor Camera again within the SimpliSafe® Mobile App

Still Need Help?

If the status light on the front of the camera does not flash white and the battery has been fully charged, please contact our support team for additional troubleshooting.