‎Option to keep Keypad lit at all times | SimpliSafe Support Home

Sunday, June 27th, 2021 8:58 PM

Not In Development


Option to keep Keypad lit at all times

The KeyPad displays "Off", "Home", or "Away" only when it is touched or a key is pressed.  I find that not User-Friendly.  It will be extremely Helpful if the status is displayed ALL the time.  To save battery/power the display BRIGHTNESS should be programmed to do down to 50% or so after about 30-seconds after the Status is changed.  Dear friends, what do YOU think about the KeyPad display?

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5.7K Messages

3 years ago

Hi cbnhdtv,

Yes, as Captain11 suggests, the proximity sensor for the Keypad is the compromise that we had to make. LEDs use a lot of power, so even having them at lower intensity is still a huge drain. The expected battery life of 8-12 months is already pretty short, and we wanted to do everything that we can to extend it!




6.1K Messages

3 years ago

@cbnhdtv I personally don't have any issues with the keypads, however, if you have the power saving option, turn it off and the keypad will light up anything you pass nearby.  You will be able to easily see the system status without touching it.

2 Messages

2 months ago

Agreed! We moved from ADT to SimpliSafe & 1 of the things we miss the most is being able to glance to the keypad & determine whether or not it's armed. It wouldn't be necessary to light up the keypad entirely...a simple tiny red (armed) or green (unarmed) light would suffice. 


1 Message

I totally agree with all said above about the keypads,and ADT. The keypad should always give some sort of indication as to its status. I realize that it may interfere with the battery life causing shorter drainage time, provided it can last for about 6 months give or take, instead of the 8-12 months listed above by Davey. The end user would have to change the default of off to on. If that does happen, people will need to know, thanks. 

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