‎Video Doorbell Pro LED Usage Status Light Colors | SimpliSafe Support Home

Video Doorbell Pro LED Usage Status Light Colors


The Video Doorbell Pro's camera LED status light behaves differently during installation and daily use. This can be configured in settings.

To learn more about the LED status light’s behaviors during installation, please visit here.

The lights listed below are the only colors that the doorbell will display. If you are seeing a color that is not listed try changing the lighting in the room, as this can affect the look of the colored lights.


LED Behavior

Motion Event Detected

Blue LED fades on for 30 seconds or until another motion event is detected.

Doorbell pressed

Blue LED blinks and fades repeatedly for 30 seconds.

User initiates 2-way audio

Blue LED remains steady while the user is speaking, then pulses after speech ends until the user stops streaming video

User initiates a live stream

No LED should be visible on the doorbell camera when a live stream begins.

User disables the status light for the doorbell camera

The LED will remain off at all times, regardless of the behaviors specified above for different actions.