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Wi-Fi Extender Instructions


A Wi-Fi Extender is a great way to provide better coverage to your Base Station and Cameras within your home. To get the most out of your new Wi-Fi extender, we require your new Wi-Fi extender to be configured in a certain way. 

Please read these instructions before installing the extender. As they are supplemental, you should still primarily follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer.


Closer is not always better when it comes to Wi-Fi extender placement. Instead, consider the path that the Wi-Fi signal must travel from the router to the extender to the Base Station or camera and back. Sometimes it is better to place the extender farther from the SimpliSafe® device, but with fewer obstructions. Try experimenting with a couple of different placements.


As you are setting up the extended Wi-Fi network, please ensure you do the following:

  1. The extended network should not have the same name as your original network. 

    1. We recommend appending “_EXT” to your extended network. For example, “MyHome_EXT.”

    2. This ensures that the camera will connect to your extender’s network and not stay connected to your far-away router’s network.

  2. Turn off the 5 GHz version of your extended Wi-Fi network.

    1. Alternatively, you can name it something else such as “MyHome_EXT5G.” 

    2. SimpliSafe devices only connect to 2.4 GHz networks. This is in order to provide wider coverage since 2.4 GHz penetrates walls and floors much better than 5 GHz networks.

  3. If you are using multiple Wi-Fi extenders, please give each of them distinct names such as “MyHome_EXT1” and “MyHome_EXT2.”

Please note that only devices which have Wi-Fi issues need to be put on the extender network. All your SimpliSafe® devices do not need to be on the same network.